Disappointed and no VBAC


New member
let me start off by saying i UNDERSTAND why my doctors are telling me no. but i still don’t like it

my first baby was emergency c section bc i wasnt dilating. second was emergency bc my water had been leaking for at least a week 5 weeks early and they wanted to get her fast.

that was almost 10 years ago now. i’m currently pregnant with my third and mentioned vbac to my dr and they basically looked at me like i was crazy for even suggesting it. i know tearing is a concern. but it’s been ten years >_> im sure it would be fine (maybe it wouldn’t. i’m not a doctor)

i just feel like my body robbed me of the experience i always wanted and ill be forced into serious abdominal surgery for this pregnancy and the next if i have another. it’s frustrating and disappointing and i feel like if i pushed for labor my doctor would have me committed lol.
@ronyrex How old are you if you don’t mind? After 2 c secs and what I’m assuming is advanced maternal age, the best outcome is a c sec and that’s why your dr is pushing for it.
@ronyrex I’ve had one prior csection almost 4 years ago, elective for large baby. My OB told me this time vaginal delivery isn’t off the table but he had “rules” for it - I have to deliver before 39 weeks due to GD, if baby is large again then csection, and I have to go into spontaneous labour or be able to be induced by membrane sweep/cervadil/foley balloon because he said he won’t do pitocin induction with me having a prior csection. So basically said there’s a 90% chance I won’t be able to have a vaginal delivery but that if by a miracle I go into labour and progress on my own that he won’t take it off the table for that situation.
@ronyrex Can’t hurt to ask. My OB just told me that if I was at the point of needing a pitocin induction to deliver at 39 weeks then my chance of failure is so high anyways that the risk of pitocin isn’t worth it. So basically if the stars align and things work out he will let me try to labour, but to keep my expectations realistic that I should plan that it will be a C-section because it’s unlikely especially with the 39 week timeline
@ronyrex I’m in the exact same boat. This will be my last baby so I wanted the experience of a natural birth but I have Kaiser and they aren’t going to approve a vbac after 2 cesareans. I’ve cried all of my tears over it and I’m just praying for a healthy baby and a speedy recovery for me. Peace and blessings to you.
@ronyrex My doctor is planning on me having a c section at 39 weeks as well. I will be 37 when I have this baby. It has been 15 years since I have had a baby. First c section was an emergency, the second was a planned c section because I had my babies 14 months apart. I am also sad about not being able to even have the option of a VBAC though!
@ronyrex I would suggest getting a second opinion. ACOG says that the majority of women with two low transverse cesarian sections are candidates for VBAC
@yytg12 obviously at the end of the day. i don’t have a choice and ill do whatever my doctor tells me to do. i’m not going to go rogue. but it would be nice to have a discussion about it and i’m allowed to be frustrated with it.
@yytg12 because they’re saying there’s a chance of rupture. but won’t answer me when i say that others have done it with no issues in less time than mine are (3 years apart instead of my 10). they ONLY cite chance of uterine rupture when i know the chances are slim. and it’s frustrating to not actually have a conversation about it and just be told “well i don’t want to do a vbac”
@ronyrex I see. We all want to be heard and listened to, especially in such a vulnerable state like a pregnancy. I totally get it. Perhaps it would help to speak to someone, like a therapist. Wish you a healthy delivery!
@ronyrex Different doctors will have different opinions, and many doctors are way more afraid of VBACs than they should be. It may be worth seeking another opinion.
@dm1057 unfortunately where i’m at, the health system has a monopoly on EVERYTHING. there isn’t a doctor i can go to that isn’t part of our local health system :/