Difficulties Breastfeeding after C Section

@tcr I tried breastfeeding but it was very hard to get my baby to latch, although I was producing milk extremely well. I switched to exclusively pumping, but was dealing with postpartum depression so I switched to formula and pumping. Unfortunately I stopped pumping a few weeks in because it became a stressful routine for me as well. Try out a few things that work the best for you is all I can say.
@tcr I had a c section with my first and breastfed after. Pumping after nursing did help bring more milk in however I did not do it after each time. Maybe like 3 times per day. I was barely producing enough and would even say not enough. We had a traumatic birth and I ended up insanely stressed and obsessed with giving just breastmilk. During the 5th month I started formula slowly and instantly felt a huge stress relief and my milk increased significantly. (Unfortunately I had already decided to transition to formula for mental health reasons and so glad I did at the time) Stress will play a HUGE role in milk production. I will also say birth experience does too. I had a beautiful VBAC with my second and I had a TON of milk. You are not a bad mom at all. Formula isn’t bad…thank God it exists 🙌🏻. I wish I had the link but I read that offering as little as 50ml of breastmilk per day carry’s a similar impact as exclusively breastfeeding. I encourage you to find freedom in whatever choice you make and know that is the best choice. Breastfeeding is best until it isn’t. If you want to exclusively breastfeed you can totally work towards that but know that your baby might just need a little extra and THAT IS NOT A FAILURE ON YOUR PART. If you want to combo feed and top off with formula then great! I will say having a fed baby who is content and not fussy due to hunger is SOOOO MUCH BETTER than an exclusively breastfed baby who is slightly hungry and fussy. Good work for making a baby and birthing that baby! Be kind to yourself while you recover ❤️
@tcr I had a C-section and I had to start triple feeding in the hospital, around day 3. After a night of triple feeding, my milk came in and I didn’t do it for more than a day. I am sure it was easier to do in the hospital with lots of support, but I am glad the little bump in the road is over and everything else went smoothly for me. I also drank lots of coconut water and drank this tea: https://earthmamaorganics.com/products/organic-milkmaid-tea
@tcr You aren't a bad mum & you must be so exhausted! I had some set backs initially with breastfeeding, but they weren't due to my c section (baby was premature so wouldn't really latch & needed tube feeding.) I am grateful once she figured out how to latch, everything's been smooth sailing for me. There was a point after she was being exclusively breastfed that I felt I had a low supply especially in the evenings (which I know is also normal). What helped me was my husband gave baby a bottle of formula in the evening and I did a good long pumping/power pumping session at the same time. Did this for several days/maybe a week & I now have a reasonably good evening supply. I also froze down all the pumped milk during that period. Baby isn't on formula anymore now, but I wouldn't feel uncomfortable doing the same again in the future if I needed to :)

I also use my hakaa on the other breast whenever she feeds during the day and I feel like this has slowly increased my supply a bit, not a huge amount but enough that it's noticeable