Did I get my period?


New member
For context, I took plan B for the first time at 5 April due to fear of precum leak while we grinding naked (our first time too). Fast forward 3 weeks, yesterday is my expected Period but it didn't came. Today, I saw blood and felt light cramps, which is strange bc it feel like period cramps but not as hurt as usual. Also, after I clean up I didn't see any blood coming out anymore. Am I good? Is this period?

P/s: I know implantation bleeding is not reliable but since this is my first time. I still want to got some assurance.
@marss Bleeding (which is not a true period) is a side-effect of taking plan b, so that may be what you experienced. Plan b works by delaying ovulation, which delays your period. Not surprising that you would not get your period when you expected it!
@pyckles I thought plan B side effect is happen within a week of taking it? Right now is 3 weeks later, I do expect my period to be late but this blood and cramps just really make me confused:)