Denied abdominal u/s at 7+0


New member
Was supposed to have had viability scan today. When I showed up they immediately told me to empty and that they weren’t going to bother with an abdomen scan. This was before asking my LMP or any pregnancy history.

When I questioned this, they were adamant that an abdomen scan “wouldn’t show anything.”

I overreacted and left. My trauma response combined with how badly I had to pee got the best of me.

Also I was pissed off that they tricked me into signing a form to “consent” to tv (which I actually didn’t).

Guess I’m just wondering if it’s normal for them to skip right to TV?
@brownwarrior22 Yeah, it's really difficult for them to see anything that early via abdominal, because baby is so small. I'm guessing your provider had given them your LMP, etc. but should have warned you it would be TV.
@brownwarrior22 I am no expert but I have been told many times that at 7 weeks it’s very difficult to visualize using abdominal ultrasound and that Wanda is the norm at this stage
@brownwarrior22 I’m sorry you experienced the stress of this situation and that they didn’t communicate well.

My understanding is that so early on, an abdominal ultrasound isn’t very useful. My practice won’t see you until 8 weeks and it’s been vaginal both times.

I had an early miscarriage and they did a vaginal at what would have been ~6 weeks.
@brownwarrior22 My OB has used TV ultrasounds for every visit thus far with my last at 11+4. A nurse practitioner tried the abdominal US at 10+4 and it wasn’t nearly as good in regards to image quality as TV. Less than 8-9 weeks it’s generally standard to do TV.
@brownwarrior22 Yes at 7 weeks they have to go transvaginal to see anything unfortunately. The uterus is still below the pubic bone. The earliest abdominal ultrasound I've ever had was at 11 weeks. This should have been clearly explained to you though and you absolutely should have been given the time to process and decide what you wanted to do. I'm sorry you had such a traumatic experience.
@brownwarrior22 I actually had an abdominal scan at 7+2 and they were able to detect a heartbeat. I was really surprised because I was sure it would have needed to be TV. Maybe it was super high quality equipment or something because it doesn’t seem standard at that point at all.
@brownwarrior22 All my ultrasounds that early have always been tv. With my current pregnancy they were still having trouble with abdominal even at 12 weeks and had to whip out the tv then too.
@brownwarrior22 Unfortunately, it’s true - it’s nearly impossible for anything to be seen on an abdominal that early. My doctor even tried and we couldn’t even see the sac until she switched to a TV. I’m sorry you had a bad experience. 😔❤️ they are stressful and scary even in the best circumstances.
@brownwarrior22 Yeah everyone here pretty much answered your questions . I just got off a post from a very upset mom who’s abdominal ultrasound showed nothing at 7 plus 4 and she was devastated and she had a transvaginal and eveything was there measuring on time with heartbeat of 144 🤷‍♀️

I always want TV untill second trimester
@brownwarrior22 Like everyone else has said, it is standard practice to do a transvaginal ultrasound throughout the first trimester. I’ve done IVF, and also had a spontaneous pregnancy, and my early ultrasounds have always been transvaginal. In fact, I’ve never heard them even try an abdominal. They just go straight to transvaginal, and abdominal has never come up. I don’t think it’s until the second trimester, or maybe the very end of the first, that they can see anything on an abdominal ultrasound.
@brownwarrior22 In my experience they always try to do abdominal first, but then have to change to TV because they can’t see anything on the abdominal one. It isn’t until around 12 weeks that they can do abdominal.
@brownwarrior22 Poor communication from your provider, but a TV ultrasound is completely standard during early pregnancy.

It’s never nice to feel railroaded into anything, especially in a medical scenario, so I completely understand your response to this! However, I’ve had a few TV ultrasounds now and in all honestly I didn’t find them any less invasive or uncomfortable than the abdominal ultrasound. In fact, when she was really pressing on my full bladder with the probe I would’ve gladly taken the TV instead! So if you have concerns about the TV being embarrassing or uncomfortable, in my experience it shouldn’t be. Not to downplay or discount your response at all - I would’ve been shocked too if I was expecting an abdominal ultrasound and they told me it would be TV instead!