Daycare won’t cap naps


New member
Somehow, the daycare ladies are able to get my 5.5mo to nap for 3 hours in the middle of the day, usually 11:00-2:00. However this is creating a problem with not enough awake time spaced out over the day resulting in split nights and EMW. The daycare said they legally cannot wake him any earlier or cap naps at 2hrs. Anyone else have this issue before and what do we do?? No way he can go from 1:30 to bedtime without another nap.

He also naps in the car 30min on the way to daycare at ~8am

We try to do 2/2.25/2.5/2.5 on the weekends but M-F is all over the place because daycare doesnt follow set wake windows.
@looseink They can't legally wake him up but they don't have to try very hard to keep him asleep ;) Ask them to be louder or turn on more lights or something when it doesn't inconvenience the other babies in the room.
@looseink This was our scenario in the young infant room. They're much more scheduled now in the older infants room that we just moved to. the longer naps were rare for us and usually created a long wake window at the end of the day which would result in a false start at bedtime but things have settled now.
@looseink Most daycares are like that. My daughter had a hard time but she adjusted. I had
To be patient while she/they worked it out and I don’t ever except the daycare to deal with my “specific” needs for my baby. She eventually got the 2 hour naps there and sleeps just fine at home. Actually, they mastered independent sleep before I did LOL! They have a lot of children and temperaments to manage, you cannot cater to every baby. Give everyone some grace here! Yourself included! You’re doing amazing 🥰
What time do you get baby? If there is time for cat nap, I’d allow it and see if it help. If not, might just have to ride it out! There isn’t always a fix with baby sleep, those cute squishy terrorists 🤪
@looseink I'm gonna go out on a limb and say few kiddos under 1 year, esp those in daycare, are having "split nights" and EMWs due to too much daytime nap. Napping a ton during the day is usually a result and not the cause of these problems, which are usually results of scheduling problems, sleep environment issues, or feeding issues.

What is the full schedule? Out of crib time, bedtime? What is daycare's nap schedule/routine? Independent sleep or no? How are you handling the night wakings and early morning wakings?
@looseink This is going to be the case for a lot of daycares depending on the state. They won't cap naps.

Ends up being a pretty rough period. If its a 3 nap schedule, the only thing you really can do is play around with later bed times/earlier wakes to make the schedule fit. What's the full schedule on the weekend compared to the week?
@christina777 Usually end up with 4 cat naps, he does not sleep in the crib for 3hrs at home on the weekends, not even close. We tried to replicate the environment but it’s just not the same as daycare noise, lighting, mattress.