Day 7 of Being a Single Dad


New member
I'm exhausted 😩! I've recently was granted full time custody of my children and my life was flipped upside down. I have two young boys full of energy(my oldest🧩 ),balancing work, childcare, cleaning, cooking, sleep, has been a marathon. Im surviving off of triple espresso TID or Q4hrs PRN(for all fellow nurses 🤪). I'm grateful I have family to help me out especially on my work days. I got give it to all you single moms out there doing it on your own. I give you guys the upmost respect. Y'all the real MVPs!
@pinkroses89 It’s tough. Mine are 12 and they definitely help around the house. “You doing these chores means I have time to take you to the park, etc… “

You’ll get your rhythm.
@pinkroses89 You got this. It gets easier, you get a rhythm and then they become teenagers and then you have to readjust all over.
Oops, I wasn’t supposed to go there. But it’s true, I’m at the stinky teenager years. I miss when I thought it was hard.

@pinkroses89 It’s always tough until you find a routine and then it’s second nature. You’ll get there and it will get easier! Definitely let your ‘village’ help you. I am a nurse as well and in the early days I needed a lot of help due to my schedule.
@pinkroses89 Plan ahead my friend. Your three best friends right now are the washer/dryer, the dishwasher and the microwave oven.

Meal prep helps a lot. Cook an extra couple of portions of meals and freeze them to be microwaved later. Your kids will be guaranteed a hot homecooked meal even on the days when dad just needs to decompress after work.

Keep on top of the laundry cycle. Try and make sure your kids have at least two clean changes of clothes for every occasion, nightwear, outdoors (hot), outdoors (rainy) etc.

If your 5 year old is at school, consider moving as close to that school as possible. I moved to across the street from my sons elementary and it's been a *huge* timesaving. On a couple of occasions we've slept thru the alarms and woken up at 8:30, but bambino's been washed, dressed, fed and (thanks to food flasks) takes a hot homecooked meal to lunch all in the space of 20 minutes.

Plan ahead, be prepared to make some life changing choices.
@pinkroses89 I will be downvoted, but what I care. Guy, women have been doing this for a thousand years, nobody EVER gives a fuck if they are struggling, so just do what I and millions other women have been doing with no kind words, sometimes I was even judged, go on and do chores and jobs and be nice to kids