dad’s review of new Barbie movie

@sofialo09 I wonder if your family’s marketing profile got different versions of the trailer vs what made it to our feed. I’m hearing about versions with Ken drinking beers and none of that ever appeared on our trailers. They ran the ads before G rated kids movies at our house.
@hemispheres Went with my wife and 5 kids ages 13 to 21. Not a movie for young kids which we picked up on watching the trailers. Theatre was packed, yes we all wore pink.

Lots of big laughs, unexpectedly heavy arcs. There was a lot there about mothers and daughters so if that's a hard topic I can see it could hit different. My kids thought it was funny and real.
@hemispheres I thought it was great. I think everyone can decide if their kids are mature enough to deal with a lot of content that basically says “being female is really hard” - because that’s the bottom line. I probably wouldn’t take my littles because like you said it’s not made for them. But personally I thought it was hilarious and very important (and my packed audience was cracking up).
@hemispheres I'd also ignore reviews that call it woke.

It discusses and pokes fun at sexism, extreme feminism complaining about 'patriarchy', the extreme right wing, Mattel's entire company, barbie being 'empowering', or not, as the case maybe, and anything inbetween.

I thought it was fun, the casting was good, and Allan needed more love, bless him.
@hemispheres Late to this but my whole theater was laughing constantly, and had a pretty nice mix of women men etc!

Totally not for everyone, but it did go deeper and more existential than i think anyone expected it to.

I think also I saw it the second weekend, and a lot of people who saw it opening weekend didn't know what to expect hence my theater was probably more at least high school older
@hemispheres I feel like this is your fault. It didn't looked advertised as a kids movie. The movie was rated pg 13 and you brought 2 younger kids. What did you expect?

This doesn't seem far from the parent bringing their toddler to see Deadpool. Maybe look into the movie before you go watch it with kids

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