Cuddle curl but not feeding side lying?


New member
Does anyone sleep with their baby in the cuddle curl position but sit up or take them to a chair to feed??

My little guy is 4 weeks old and we’ve been sleeping in c-curl for 3ish weeks now and he’s doing so great. Weight gain is perfect. But sometimes I feel like he doesn’t get a full feeding, which makes him/us wake up more frequently bc we both fall back asleep mid feeding. If I’m laying down I will 100% fall back asleep, no chance I’m staying up lol

I’m considering getting up and feeding him in the chair so I’m forced to be awake and make sure he gets a full feed…thoughts? Does it defeat the purpose of c-curl luxury? lol
@tom34 Give it a try.

It’s so easy to obsess over the feedings and weight gain when they’re that little. It sounds like he is doing just fine. Don’t worry about him dozing off, Falling asleep nursing is so normal. Little man will wake up again when he’s hungry. I personally suggest to keep doing what you’re doing. It sounds like it’s working for both of you. But if you want to try getting up for nursing, go for it.
@tom34 We all remember those early weeks. We obsess over our babies milk intake. It’s normal! I personally believe cosleeping is best because your little nugget has an all you can eat buffet at night. When he’s hungry, he will eat. He’s just falling asleep because he’s satisfied.

You obviously love him so much. You’re doing such a good job. Sending you a hug.
@tom34 I do. I can’t feed side laying. My boob just melts into my armpit. So we sleep in the cuddle curl and when he wakes up I sit up and feed him and then I lay him back down to sleep. It works for us.
@tom34 I find myself sitting up a bit and feeding him for a few min until he unlatches. He’s 11 weeks old tho so he doesn’t spend too long eating these days
@tom34 I definitely had to sit up in bed to feed in the early days. I think baby was maybe three months old, if not more, before we mastered side-feeding.

For me it wasn't just the falling asleep that you're describing , but that in the early days my breasts were too engorged/solid for the nipple to reach his mouth if I lay on my side.
He was a small baby, so when lying down my nipple couldn't reach his mouth without leaning really far over towards him and that was very uncomfortable for me and didn't feel safe because if I had fallen asleep I think I could have rolled onto him.

Thankfully as the engorged phase passed and the breast tissue became softer we did master it and it's such a game- changer!
@tom34 I always prop myself up in bed to feed him and browse on my phone if I think I’ll fall asleep. I find it easier as it keeps him asleep and I’m too lazy to get up (especially when he’s in a phase of waking up every 1.5-2 hours). I also follow cosleepy’s guide to chest sleeping just in case too!

I do agree the cuddle curl has the luxury of being to feed side lying but whenever I have tried to feed him this way he just spits up everywhere on me and the bedsheet.

Like another has said, it seems like getting up to feed is working for you both, and if it works then go for it 😊
@tom34 I had to sit up to feed for a while at first. I would sit myself all the way up, and clip on the my breast friend. Change diaper. Nurse. And then hold her upright, and gently burp. Remove the breast friend, and gently lay her down. Typing this i dont know how all that worked without waking her up.

I feel like there was also diaper changes, and she was swaddled still at that point.
@tom34 I’m actually happy when my baby (11weeks) falls back asleep quickly and doesn’t take a full feed. I want my body to produce more milk during the day and less at night. That way my LO doesn’t struggle so much with reflux and spit ups at night. They’ll stay up if they’re super hungry I think or just wake up more frequently which doesn’t bother me when we’re both side lying and falling asleep together so quickly.
@tom34 I sat up in bed until he was maybe 6-8 mo to nurse during the night. I was warned against doing side lying nursing by another redditor and becoming a milk bar. After that we switched to side lying 99% of the time at night and both of us are very happy with it and get even more sleep. (LO is 19 mo now)
@tom34 I do this. My 11 day old is little and using a nipple shield. It’s easiest for me to get up and sit in the chair with my Haakaa and nipple shield in a basket by the chair that I clean and put back after each feeding. I still change her at night so I’ll get up, nurse, change her, switch sides, let her fall back asleep on my chest and then transfer her back onto her back in a c curl. So far it takes like an hour for the whole process which can be sort of inconvenient but it is what it is.