COVID guilt and anxiety and running in circles on sending my son back to school


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This is a little long so stick with me.since last week my 7 yo son and I have been battling allergies but at odd times - coughing, sneezing, headaches, the usual. Last Friday my guts started hurting and until Tuesday night I was keeping nothing in my system. I’m vaccinated BTW, but I was still nervous about possibly having a breakthrough infection ESPECIALLY after going to my neighbors house for a lighter to light up some citronella candles and finding out their 4/5 year old has COVID. The boy was all over the place and had been messing with the lighter all night - no one in their household is vaccinated and the mom questioned whether or not the tests were reliable bc “no symptoms and look at him running around like the energizer bunny!!!” Can’t remember why he had to be tested in the 1st place, but glad he was tested.

So I not even thinking about being around the kid decide it’s in my best interest to go get tested. Wednesday I felt like my appendix was about to burst so I finally gave in and went to Urgent Care. Not knowing if my symptoms or pain was some strange offshoot of a breakthrough infection - my asthma had kicked up, I was coughing, felt exhausted, body aches - I kept my 7 yo home from school til I got my results just in case.

I don’t remember at what point the lightbulb went on over my head, but it occurred to me Wednesday that I’d been around T - not super close, but there’s always that small possibility. School nurse said with no known direct contact with a positive case my son could return to school. Great, right? Later that afternoon - still waiting for COVID tests and found out pain was due to an intestinal infection - a neighbor kid (M)stops by to say that another neighbor kid (J) is being tested for COVID, or has COVID, and everyone is getting tested. Im thinking it’s because they had contact with (T) which means if one of them is positive then my son has had direct contact with a positive case meaning he’s on quarantine for a few more days.

I reached out to parent of (J) mentioning that I’d heard he was getting tested bc of (T), but mom says he had to be tested since getting a bad headache at school and having to be sent home since headache is on the list of COVID symptoms and can’t return til they have a negative test. I asked her to let me know the outcome so I can keep my son home or send back to school. No big deal, I just don’t want to potentially expose my sons school.

J was sent home on Tuesday and I assume he was tested that day. I got my results back late Wednesday night, but J’s mom hasn’t sent me results and I’m pretty sure we used the same testing site so now I’m totally perplexed as to whether or not she’s intentionally not sharing or what. My neighborhood is a hard split between political and economic differences so I can just imagine J’s mom refusing to help with contact tracing and so isn’t giving me any information either.

I reached out to M’s mom to see if she’d heard anything since it was her kid who took it upon himself to go around to all these houses telling everyone J has/might have COVID. The mom’s reply to me is standard issue “we have not been contacted by a local health department notifying us that M has come in to contact with a positive test case.. with no symptoms we have decided not to test M.” She works in a state agency in their HR working on COVID stuff - previous job was manager at a local fast food place - and I work in another state agency in HR and have given her lots of pointers as she’s struggled to get the ins and outs down. Still what kind of bullshit answer is that? My kid has been around all of these kids and I need to know WTF is happening. I’m on hard core pain meds and driving is just not an option so their stonewalling me is putting me in a difficult position.

His dad has NEVER taken him to a dr’a appointment and I don’t even know if he’d actually take him to be tested simply out of principle. He’s a flat earther, 5G hiss!!!!, no vaccination for me but smokes a lot, etc…. I’m at my wits end with these people and thankfully I’ve roped my mom in to taking my son to get tested since I’m not getting anything out of these other PIA’s.

These are the same people who see mask wearing mandates as a personal assault on their liberty, yet here are the rest of us caring about everyone and trying to get the rates down even though our own personal liberties are but secondary considerations to these adult babies getting their way.

I’m in pain, I’m exhausted, I’m doing this on my own trying not to expose my mom unnecessarily. I don’t care that none of your kids are showing symptoms I just need to know if my kid has been exposed. Maybe if you’ve read this small book I wrote you’ve got some insights. I suppose it’s a non issue once I get my son tested, but damn what is it with parents getting tight lipped? I’m not trying to start rumors I just want honest information. Anyone else had to deal with this level of unwillingness to share this sort of information? I think this may very well be what pushes me out of this neighborhood once and for all.
@nancyd1024 Yeah if I'm in a school district like that, there's no way in hell I'm sending my kid to school. Your neighborhood sounds like a tough one for dealing with this safely. M's mom is a real pain though... skipping the test means you and the school don't know the rate and the risk.

Dad definitely sounds like a person I'd be barring from seeing my kids too, damn.

I've avoided all of this by keeping my kiddos in virtual school for now. I've reached out to the local district to ask about rejoining mid semester, expecting the vaccine to be approved soon.

You're in a hell of a spot. I feel like you're on the right path. You are facing this challenge carefully and with the wisdom you need in the best interest of your child.

Stay strong mama.
@sissylynn Thank you!! This feels like an abusive relationship - I’m treading lightly with these parents when it’s their kids who are potentially spreading this. I hate that this has become so politicized. Our district mandates masks in school, but these are elementary aged kids and dang they can be some gross germ factories. My son’s dad mentioned to my son that he was going to “talk” to me about our son getting the vaccine. I haven’t whipped my head around so quickly and done the snaps to “oh no he di’nt!” Since 8th grade. I’ve got our child 80% of the time and his health is in direct contact with myself and my older mom on a daily basis. His dad unfortunately believes that his older son (now technically a young adult but has severe autism) got autism from his early life vaccinations. My whole family works in mental health and it’s that same bad science type misconceptions that have our country sliding back into crisis mode.
@nancyd1024 You got me laughing. You're right about elementary school germ factories, that's why they should still be closed! That whole autism from vaccines story is so played out already. It's bullshit and I'm glad you know it.
@sissylynn When people are trusting Jenny McCarthy over actual scientists who’ve proven the original study wasn’t reliable you know shit isn’t moving in a logical direction. I’ve made my son promise me not to repeat what his dad tells him - his dad is setting him up to be the kid who’s on the periphery and not in the cool way.
@nancyd1024 I had this same kind of crap go down 2 weeks ago. My stepson was up all night Thursday coughing and sneezing. Gma sent him to school anyway. He gets sent home to his mom’s house. Gma and Mom are claiming it’s just allergies. I told them go get him tested. They try to bring him to my house, I turn them away. No test, no entry. I told them if it was my bio son, he’d already have an appointment to get tested. School tells them stepson can’t come back without a negative test so they relent and get him tested. Sunday night, bio son has symptoms of fever, cough, headache. I put my money where my mouth is and immediately get him an appt to get tested.

Thankfully everybody came back negative. Stepson had allergies, bio son had a vicious cold. Stepson’s family got pissed at me but learned I’m not screwing around when it comes to the virus. My dad works in a hospital that is currently packed full of unvaccinated Covid patients.
@growth_17 Good for you!! Drawing those lines in the sand can be challenging especially when his dad and I see things so differently and I guarantee he would not have backed me up if I were to take a more aggressive stance with kids getting tested, possibly having COVID, having COVID, but how can they be positive if they “ain’t got no damn symptoms??!!”

When my son had to be tested due to a possible contact last summer I texted all parents on the block as a heads up and the reason why My kid was not outside - at that time I was almost embarrassed to have to admit my son might have the Rona. Eeeks!! But this whole experience has opened my eyes to the fact that I’m probably not being extended that same courtesy by some of the neighborhood parents.

It was almost that they were annoyed with me asking. When they’d say their child doesn’t have any symptoms so theyre beyond positive the kid is negative I had to hold back on the percentage of carriers that are asymptomatic but still contagious or that kids showed fewer symptoms. This isn’t just their kids or even only my kid I was worried about. Not wanting to feel like I was pestering them though I just thanked them for considering to extend the courtesy of letting me know results - dollars to donuts these are not folks eager to help with contact tracing. Still, when it affects my kid I have every g’damn right to pester, but dealing with the eggshells and conspiracy theorists I didn’t have the fight in me so I got my son tested this morning rather than sit around waiting.

Stay strong, Unicorn!
@nancyd1024 Yeah we dealt with that last summer too. A kid that gets babysat over at my stepson’s house was symptomatic but they waited a week to get the kid tested and we were all exposed. Had to get tested all around. I get a text basically saying “we thought the kid was being dramatic but turns out they have Covid”. Thanks a lot.
@growth_17 It truly sounds like we’re all facing our own nightmares in our little corners of the world. The kid you mentioned though is proof positive that some people should not be allowed to procreate..
@nancyd1024 There are 7 in that family, all being raised by older siblings. I actually said to the oldest, who is one of my close friend, that their mother should learn about contraceptives.
@nancyd1024 I didn’t know Reddit was so overrun with liberal paranoid freaks. You’re way over exaggerating. Your son will be fine when he gets Covid as will you. You’re vaxed though so you shouldn’t even get it right? Oh wait… you can still get it even if vaxed. 😂😂😂 Take a chill pill and just keep breathing and living. You’ll make it!
@katrina2017 Oh a doctor chimed in! How nice. So we need not fear Covid - is this what you’re saying? Also, what studies has your medical agency been looking at? Thanks so much! Bless you and all of the medical professionals for taking time for worried folks without medical knowledge as you have!
@jacquiluvsjesus Thank you for responding to that turd of a comment! Like with the flu, the COVID vaccine will hopefully prevent you from getting the illness, but with all these variants popping up I’m just glad to know if I do get sick I won’t be facing the similar survival challenges of the unvaxxed. Having to explain that is ludicrous, but here we are, right?? To be called a paranoid freak I’d love to give that commenter a look in to the time my son spent in the NICU bc he was born with major breathing complications and then less than a year old watching him nearly die from RSV. That is one person who used up precious moments in their life to try and belittle my struggle. It takes all kinds I suppose.