Cosleeping moms... when did you ditch the C-sleep position?

@rocknroll15 I never really thought about it intentionally, it just felt right for a while. I think we stopped around 3/4 months though. Now she just kind kid sleeps next to me, and attaches to the nip sometimes.

If you want to move baby to their own bed and they sleep well there, do it, why not?
@rocknroll15 We recently put a mattress on the floor in her room and have been nursing her to sleep then sneaking away. I've been enjoying sleeping on my back and stomach rather than my side lol. But I definitely get caught and still cosleep with her a bit...
@rocknroll15 I used my pregnancy pillow backwards,
So it basically spooned my back and tucked between my knees. Saved my hips and back most nights! Hang in there mama you got this
@rocknroll15 do you have a pillow behind your back? that helps me alot! also i put baby more in the middle of the bed and then i swap sides overtop of them, if that makes sense. so im not always on the same side but they are always in the “c” spot. so much relief to switch! i started sleeping back to baby prob around 9ish months.
@rocknroll15 10 months and still in C curl because he protests if he's not little spoon lol But I would feel safe laying on my back at this point. Foam rolling and stretching a bit each morning helps. I do that while he plays.
@rocknroll15 For us it was around 12 months. Though to be honest LO is still on Boob enough even at 18 months that hips are still shot. I do the method of picking him and switching sides so pillow will be at foot vs. head so each side of my body takes a turn getting beat
@rocknroll15 After the first couple of weeks.

I learned in my doula training like 10 years ago, before I came across any talk of the cuddle curl, that it's cosleeping best practice to sleep with baby's body up by your face. Makes sense to me-- my ears are right there next to baby (as opposed to when they're all the way down by mt boobs/torso) so I'm that much more sensitive to little movements and noises and respond sooner. If I were to roll towards baby, having baby by face is way way more likely to wake me up. Plus my face rolling onto them is obviously way less mass than my torso.

So yeah I either sleep on my side facing baby, or on my back. But baby is always up towards the top of the bed and I'm scooted down lower. Also makes it easier to keep low blankets far away from baby.

I very rarely sleep in the cuddle curl -- only if I fall asleep side lying nursing, and even then usually in the daytime with my husband supervising. It feels way more risky to me than having baby's body up next to my face.

I always sleep with a very firm pillow between my knees (really between my knees down to my ankles) whenever I sleep on my side.
@rocknroll15 I ditched the C-curl almost immediately, like after a month or something. I sleep on my stomach with an arm thrown out over my baby's head. YMMV but I'm a still sleeper and have slept with my chihuahua for years before my son was born, so I was confident I wouldn't roll on him. Baby stays near my breast / armpit.
@live4christ2016 Lmao same. Baby didn't even wanna sleep without being held for the first month or so. It was toooughh. He just slept on us, but we never rolled or anything. You sleep more lightly when the baby is near you anyways, so unless you're under the influence, there's little chance of something happening. Of course hospitals can't say that tho, so the c position is recommended lol
@rocknroll15 Honestly unless you want to continue to co-sleep long term I would put baby in their own bed even in your room asap. I love co-sleeping but my son is now 13 months and trying to get him to so longer stretches on his own mattress on the floor and out of my bed is so much harder. And my body is still aching. But otherwise I used one of those co-sleeping dockatot dockacot? Not that exaxt brand but it had a mesh bottom and the foam sides were not very high but it helped baby have his own safe space in the middle and we felt safe knowing we wouldn't roll on him and he wouldn't roll off. Also I was able to then roll over without waking him. I bought it online for $80 Australian. My cousin who works in childcare recommended it and it was really helpful
@rocknroll15 4.5 months here and still doing C sleep. It's not perfect but I often switch sides by flipping us both head-to-toe so my arms get a rest. Saying this, my back is still in pain because of the extremely hard mattress we got for back sleeping. I will get a mattress topper I think to get my spine aligned better
@rocknroll15 At 6 months we got a sidecar crib because lo starting needing more space to himself.

That being said I’ve slept in so many weird positions with the crib. During the worst of it, half on/half off. Sometimes at a diagonal. Now I mostly sleep with my head at the foot of the bed because I’m afraid he’ll roll out and off the bed (22 months).

I did find that a pillow supporting my back during the c-curl stages helped.
@rocknroll15 I think was at 6 months, where we set up the side car crib and she slept in there, but next to me. Now she’s 11 months and she will sometimes sleep between mom and dad. Dad sleeps at the foot and mom sleeps at the head. It works for us.