Concerned I’m not gaining weight?


New member
Hi everyone! First time posting here. I’m 19 + 2 with a baby boy.

Before I was pregnant I weighed 57kg (5 foot 6) lean muscle mass. I’ve been weight lifting for 3+ years 3-5 days a week and during this time I’ve gone from weighing 47kg to 57kg . My body fat has decreased during this time, whilst gaining more muscle. The last 6 months I’ve also been walking 6 miles a day roughly, as I have a working cocker spaniel who needs lots of exercise.

Since getting pregnant my PT has changed my weightlifting routine to be more pregnancy safe and I only go 3 times a week. I’m still walking the dog twice a day, which works out as 6 miles. On the weekend I may do more like a 10 mile walks in one go, if it’s a nice sunny day.

I’m 19 weeks pregnant now and I have only put on 1.4kgs, weighing 58.4kg. I’ve been checking on pregnancy weight calculators and they are all saying that I’m underweight and should be weighing between 60kg - 62kg. I know it’s not a massive difference but I’m just concerned that perhaps I’m not eating enough calories (I’ve not changed my food plan from normal) for the amount of exercise I’m doing?

I’m just looking to see if this common for women who remain active during their pregnancy to not have gained much weight by this point?

Edit: I have a 20 week scan on Monday 1st with my midwife (in the U.K.) who monitors my weight, so hopefully she will say that there isn’t any issues.
@setfree1983 this is really a question for your OB, but know that it's kinda hard to tell what your weight situation is because your body has probably recomposition some: meaning that due to hormones/changes in your lift routine you're losing some muscle mass and gaining some fat, but the weight comes out to about the same.

I’m not eating enough calories (I’ve not changed my food plan from normal) for the amount of exercise I’m doing?

Again, I'm not your doctor, but maybe try eating more and see how it makes you feel? I've been snacking on peanut butter or drinking whole milk to keep my calorie levels up when i'm not feeling too hungry. Making a bone broth and drinking that can also help a little.

I’m just looking to see if this common for women who remain active during their pregnancy to not have gained much weight by this point?

I'm not your best example because I was sidelined by a car accident during part of my first trimester, but I've been lifting about as frequently as you since I recovered from my injuries (but walking less than you) and I had gained about 5.5 kgs when I was at your stage. But every pregnancy is different and I'm not your doctor soooooo...really you should ask your OB.
@allen Thanks for your comment. I have an appointment with my midwife on Monday (I’m in the U.K.) for my 20 week scan and she will weigh me again. Hopefully she will say that everything is fine but just wanted to see what others experience was with this whilst I’m waiting.
@setfree1983 Literally ask her, don't wait for her to say something, she might not and it looks like you could really use some reassurance/checking in about this :)
@setfree1983 I've virtually gained no weight this pregnancy (some ups and downs, total is now at 1kg gain) and I'm 36+1. None of the doctors and midwives I've seen have been the least bit worried about it. Quite the contrary.

I'm fairly muscular and had trouble losing the weight from my first pregnancy so my BMI was just over 25 at the beginning of this one which is probably part of why all the medical professionals are happy with my weight gain. Many have stated that gaining approximately 3kgs during pregnancy is enough for anyone except those who are underweight.

Of course you should listen to what your healthcare providers say, but I wouldn't be too worried about it if you're eating well.
@setfree1983 This is definitely something to discuss with your midwife. Just anecdotal with my experience since I have put on ~2kg at 22+ weeks pregnant.

Personally, I have noticed I have lost SO MUCH muscle mass since pregnancy, which I know is somewhat of a factor in this. I was never as fit as some ladies in this group, but I lifted / boxed regularly & I have noticed a massive difference since temporarily giving up boxing from my routine / replacing it with a lower impact activity.

Also, are you tracking marcos / calories at all? It's not something to obsess over, but I started loosely tracking macros since I am still getting sick & I was fretting over my lack of weight gain. My uterus nugget was measuring larger / weighing more than average at my 20 week appointment. Again, this is just my individual experience, but I have always made sure just keep my diet varied & my nugget has been doing just fine.
@setfree1983 Talk to your OB about it - as long as your baby is progressing/thriving, it kinda really doesn't matter how much weight you appear to (not) be gaining. I gained no more than 8kg (~18lbs) during my pregnancy, and my OB wasn't concerned as long as baby was shown to be growing.

I was active and only stopped: bike commuting 36w due to pre-e risk; indoor rock climbing at 30w due to the worst cold in the world; volleyball at 24+w due to abs feeling really weird (k-tape HIGHLY recommended!); softball at ~18w due to sprinting and batting feeling weird on abs.

ETA: For anecdotal data, I was normal BMI (~21) and fairly muscular before pregnancy and have definitely lost a ton of muscle mass and definition.
Thanks for your comment! There hasn’t been any issues with baby’s growth so far so hopefully everything has carried on this way.