I’m Concerned About My Exes New Girlfriends Intentions

@gcooks33 You have no idea what she’s even like. This is based on one comment relayed from her coparent.

No one is out to steal peoples kids for sport. Everyone needs to learn to maybe not take one comment and run with it until it becomes some huge issue it never was to begin with.

Also, staying together just to keep your kid away from people even if you want to leave is really unhealthy for all parties. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@christfollower34 You clearly haven’t been here long, lol. There are posts about new girlfriends trying to completely take over. I’d rather be in an okay, conflict free marriage, than be arguing with an ex over boundaries.
@gcooks33 I have been a stepparent for many years. My opinion stands. No one is trying to steal someone’s kid on a first date. Well, let’s say 99% of the time that’s the case. What we see here are extreme versions of stories told from one side of the equation. Right, wrong, or indifferent, it’s a game of telephone. Things get misinterpreted and twisted around from person to person.

You seem ready to battle people who want to just exist and not create issues.
@christfollower34 I’ve been with my husband 22 years, lol. So, my opinion also stands. 🙄 I don’t consider myself a step mom. I’m her dad’s wife. I’ve never once interjected myself into any parenting duties/decisions.
I respect her parents enough to allow them to parent their child the way they see fit.
We have a great relationship, and her mom has actually thanked me for not overstepping.
@harpazo56 People gotta realize bs when they see it. It's his place to say, "my child has a mother." He needs to set that boundary. He produced a child so I'll assume he's at least an adult.