Complete placenta previa at 20 w ultrasound

@ridley12 Hi OP! I found out I had complete placenta previa at my anatomy scan as well, I’m now 34 weeks and I just found out last week that it resolved itself. Does it say on your report where the placenta is positioned? Most cases resolve itself, but if they don’t it’s kind of nice to know exactly when baby is coming. Generally they want your placenta to be at least 2 cm away from your cervix for vaginal delivery.
@jg_lrd I didn’t see the report yet. The Dr just came and talked to us about it. I am calling my OB today to get more details. She sounds very serious. When I ask of the chance of resolving itself, she told us it was unlikely because the placenta completely covered the cervix and the tissue looks thin.
@ridley12 I’m not in the medical field so I don’t know about the tissue being thin, but otherwise there’s still a high chance it resolves itself. I had ultrasounds every 4 weeks at maternal fetal medicine to check on it.
@ridley12 My cpp moved at 27 weeks. I did inversions, visualizations of it moving to the right spot, took really good care of myself and tried to not worry too much. IDK if the first 2 helped at all but they helped my mind and I was cleared for a vaginal birth so...

Either way you will be ok. Wishing you the best!
@ridley12 I have the exact same thing going on, diagnosed a week ago, and it’s been a roller coaster. Thanks for posting — there are a lot of encouraging stories in this thread. My midwives told me that they see it all the time and in the total history of their practice it’s only not resolved twice. That was helpful for me.

And as a whole, the internet has been a horrible resource for remaining calm about it so heed that advice too. It’s definitely increased my anxiety to read too much.

Sending you prayers for a speedy resolution 🙏🏼
@ridley12 Pros of planned c-section: you know the due date, better to prepare, can get partner to support person to schedule the day off work to be with you.

Cons: may not be able to hold baby right away, sometimes fluid buildup in baby’s lungs due to not squeezing through birth canal, longer recovery.

I had PP and was hoping for VB but it never moved. Closer to the scheduled date I was hoping it wouldn’t move as I was mentally prepared for the c section and wanted the baby out already haha. Baby had a short time in NICU due to fluid in lungs which was scary and my hormones were all over the place so I was crying lots. But baby was in the best possible place and I learned soooo much from the nurses there. They also helped me learn to breastfeed and how to care for baby more. Their knowledge is invaluable and I’m so grateful. (They also fed baby for me so I could sleep and heal more after surgery).

Either way, you and baby are going to be good and the future is so exciting. Sending hugs and positive vibes.
I also started bleeding at about 27 weeks and had a 4 day stay at the hospital to monitor the baby which was scary. But everything was fine. And they took me off work so I could rest at home afterwards.