Complete placenta previa at 20 w ultrasound

@jephone44 They didn’t say anything about the position of my uterus. But I was told early one it was tilted. My next appointment is on the 24th. I will be calling my provider tomorrow to get an earlier appointment. I really hope it will resolve itself. These responses gave me hope that me and my baby gonna be okay.

I am in the military so I am not sure what they gonna do next as far as referral. My insurance only covers military facilities or ER
@ridley12 Make sure to ask the position of your placenta, because if more of it is on the front than there’s a really good chance it will resolve. They will be able to tell from the ultrasound that showed the PP.

Good luck!
@maranathasoon I think you should speak to someone to check, this is an important factor in your pregnancy. You may need to be on bed rest etc as well, definitely get in touch with them to delve further in to it just in case!
@ridley12 Absolutely possible for it to resolve! I had a very complete previa at my anatomy scan and I was so sad! I was placed on pelvic rest with no sex or orgasms and also no lifting heavy things. It had two other ultrasounds to check the placenta and by week 36, it had moved to 2.3 cm away from the cervix, barely enough to have a vaginal delivery. Don’t lose hope, you very well may able to deliver :)
@ridley12 I had placenta previa at the 20 week scan and again at scan at 30 weeks. By 34 weeks it had moved from 17mm from my cervix to 70mm.
I was absolutely sure it wouldn’t move and I would have to have a section and after not budging in 10 weeks it shot up in 4!
Basically make sure you get another scan and until then try not to worry so much! (Easier said than done I know!)
@ridley12 Hi! I also have this and almost just like you, I was diagnosed close to 20 weeks. I’m now 27 weeks almost 28 weeks and it hasn’t moved but nothing bad has happened either. I was very scared also, the rest of the day of my appointment I laid in bed crying. What you’re going to come across googling is mostly worst case scenario stories, this made my anxiety much worse. I advise you not to spend too much time reading stuff online 💕 Just remember you’re still early and it definitely can move. If it doesn’t, you and baby are still more likely to be okay than not since it was caught early on. There’s support groups on Facebook if you have that and they’ve been super helpful to me, a lot of positive stories and advice. My husband’s aunt had it up until the baby needed to be delivered and everything was okay, born at 36 weeks but he’s a healthy 13 year old now! Just please listen to your OB, rest, keep up with your appointments and also don’t be hard on yourself.
@ridley12 I just went through this too and my placenta previa has completely resolved at 28 weeks. Ask them where it is - fully blocking the cervix or partially. If partial, you have a good chance of it resolving as your baby grows. And the plus side - more ultrasounds!
@ridley12 I just had a scan at just about 17 weeks and was told I have a low laying placenta. The ultrasound tech (with 30 years of experience) told us not to worry. They'll reevaluate a few times throughout the rest of this pregnancy and that it was totally possible it would resolve itself. Everyone was so unconcerned.

Obviously I'm earlier, but hopefully we'll both see our placentas move up.
@cantore This is so reassuring! What type of placenta previa were you diagnosed with at your anatomy scan- (marginal, partial, complete)? Mine was anterior but also covering the os (cervix).
@meganrijkers I am not sure tbh. My visit notes just say posterior placenta previa. It completely resolved by my 32 week scan. Fwiw I had a c section anyway (for another reason) and it was a breeze and nice to have a scheduled delivery.
@ridley12 I’m currently doing a women’s health rotation. My preceptor told me that almost always placenta previa found at the 20 week ultrasound ends up resolving on its own. She said it’s actually a surprise when it DOESNT resolve.

So don’t lose hope!
@ridley12 I had a c-section for marginal placenta previa! I could have attempted a vaginal delivery but due to the risks I chose to just go straight to c-section— which ended up being for the best as he flipped to breech anyway 🙃

I have lots of really positive things I can share with you about my experience if you’re interested in hearing them, so much so that I’m not even considering a VBAC for my next — but I also know you’re probably mourning the birth experience you were hoping for so if you’re not looking to hear that sort of thing I understand!