Complete placenta previa at 20 w ultrasound


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I am 20w5 days and just came from my 20w ultrasound. After taking the pictures, the tech came back and told us she had to do a vaginal ultrasound per Dr order.

Done, then after a couple minutes the Dr. came in the room and told us I have complete placenta previa.
She told me that it is unlikely that it will resolve itself and that my provider will be monitoring the baby growth and the placenta in the next coming months.
Modified bedrest, no exercises and no intercourse until cleared.

She explained that most likely we will have to schedule a C-section at 36/37 weeks.

It is my first baby. I am so sad and scared.
@ridley12 I’m sorry! My mom had placenta previa with me and was told she’d need a c-section. She spent the next months preparing for a c-section and being told by her OB that was the plan. At 36 weeks she decided to request an ultrasound at the recommendation of a friend to see if the placenta had moved off- and it turned out it had by just enough that it was safe for vaginal delivery. The OB wasn’t even going to check again if she hadn’t asked. Anyways just an idea to maybe check one more time later on to see if you still need the c-section.
@ridley12 It happened to my friend as well, right in the last 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. She was told the whole time she would need a C-section but ended up giving birth vaginally. Don’t get your hopes up too high, but don’t lose hope altogether ❤️
@ridley12 It's totally possible it will resolve itself later on in the pregnancy - several people have given you great anecdotes for that.

But, PLEASE head the rest of the advice. Modified bedrest, no exercises, no intercourse.

It's totally possible it will resolve itself but right now? You absolutely have it and need to take precautions.
@ridley12 This just happened to my sister in law! The day of her delivery she went back and forth literally 3 times - went in saying she was cleared for vaginal birth a week before she gave birth (up until then expecting a c section), got another sono done at the hospital since her water broke and they were like jk still blocked. Was literally about to go for the c section and another doctor was like wait let’s do another sono and saw it was fine and it moved enough. And she was induced and gave birth vaginally an hour later!

Definitely advocate for yourself and if you don’t trust whoever you’re talking to, ask for another opinion!!
@godsgatekeeper oh I know - she's going to go to the local news about this. The crazy thing was the entire time she was at the hopsital, she didn't talk to a real doctor! It was at a teaching hopsital so it was playing telephone essentially of talking to the residents who then talked to the doctor. It was such a frustrating experience! Luckily once she was induced everything went smoothly, and mom and baby were healthy!
@ridley12 I had a complete previa as well at 20 weeks and I was sooo anxious that I was going to have to have a c section. Thankfully, it moved enough by 28 weeks that I was cleared for a vaginal delivery! It’s definitely possible that yours will resolve itself.

I still had to have a c section due to my son being breech but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I had imagined. So just know that if you do have to go that route, it will be okay!! It’s all worth it once you get to hold your baby
I want to add- try not to spend too much time googling placenta previa. I spent hours reading about worse case scenarios and I was so anxious and unable to enjoy several weeks of my pregnancy due to this. Get a game plan together with your doctor and try to stay positive!
@meganrijkers I honestly have no idea, I’m sorry! I just remember my doctor saying my placenta was laying flat over my cervix, completely covering it. Like a pancake he said lol
@jh4553 Thanks- great advice! It’s so tempting to search the net for answers. I’m currently trying to stay optimistic and visualising it moving away. Staying hopeful. Thank you.
@ridley12 Not placenta previa, but I wanted to offer some reassurance because I had my first via an urgent but planned c-section at 37 weeks for different medical reasons.

It's not what we wanted or planned and we tried everything to avoid/delay it. We even hired a doula early and consulted PT for perineal massage in anticipation of a vaginal birth. It ended up being a great experience though. Everything went so smoothly, including my recovery, and our daughter is now a thriving toddler. We're expecting our second now and looking at another potential planned c-section.

If that does end up being the path you end up on, you will be okay. Most people I know who had planned c-sections had very positive experiences. It feels really big and shocking when it's first happening, especially as a first-timer, but you will be okay and it can even be a really great birth experience. ❤️