Combining Expecting and Empowered app with Peloton?


New member
I had found the Expecting and Empowered program through this subreddit and saw that they just released an app. I know that E&E has gotten some mixed reviews here.

Two questions:
  1. Anyone here try the app yet? Does it improve on the PDF experience?
  2. Any Peloton fans who have switched from the Peloton strength classes to the E&E program, or somehow incorporated the E&E exercises into existing classes?
I am a big Peloton fan. I have the bike and also do some of the strength classes, sometimes loosely following the Hardcore on the Floor calendar (Facebook group). I love that E&E is an actual program designed for pregnancy but I am concerned that it will feel like such a downgrade moving from full recorded Peloton classes to this app that I won’t keep up the program and will just waste money.

My goals for working out during pregnancy are mental health, hopefully reducing/preventing some of the common aches and pains, and keeping up strength and endurance for birth and postpartum in addition to just everyday life.

I am very early in my pregnancy so no symptoms yet but I do expect that I will need to dial down during the first trimester, based on experiences I’ve read here. I’m trying to set myself up for success.

Thanks so much!
@maziel I do both except I have the PDF not the app from E&E. I try and get on my peloton almost every day because I'm obsessed and then expecting and empowered has 3 strength workouts a week so I will do those like MWF and usually a 15 or 20 minute ride instead of a longer one (just because I work out in the morning and don't have enough time). Sometimes I'll do a bike bootcamp class and just follow along with the E&E workout for the strength stuff instead. It's helpful for me to know what workouts are safe for how far along you are in you pregnancy plus there are stretches and pelvic floor exercises. I definitely feel like I benefit from having both!
@maziel The reason I bought is because I ended up getting the postpartum guide after my first pregnancy and I loved it! Helped me regain my strength and core, my pelvic floor had never felt stronger. I think I was back to doing HCOTF fully by like 9 months PP? I was very nervous about DR though and still am so these guides are great for me. I’m hoping it will shorten my recovery time even more by doing the workouts throughout my pregnancy. Looking forward to doing HCOTF again for sure though
@esmerelda I like the idea of a strength program focused on keeping my body functioning throughout pregnancy.

Tbh I think the ideal for me would be an expert (PT or physiologist?) designed high level overview of what exercises are best and safe per trimester and then focusing on those during the Peloton classes. I’m ok picking my own exercises during the recorded classes and following their cues only for time and motivation.
@maziel I didn’t have peloton during my first pregnancy, but did during my second and I approached working out exactly as you outline here. I’d run a class and modify as needed with my PT exercises. It still felt like I was doing a run class, kept me going during multiple sets and gave me my precious minutes toward the annual challenge! Just don’t do a chase strength workout. I did one upper body once and somehow still had to modify every single exercise to be pregnancy friendly??!!!