Co-sleeping gear for hotel?


New member
We are planning a trip to Europe with our baby who will be about 3.5 months. I can’t guarantee the firmness of any of the mattresses we will be sleeping on-what do y’all do when traveling and mattress firmness is unpredictable? Given the way my older daughter was at the same age, I highly doubt we’ll be able to use a bassinet or Pack N Play for nighttime sleep.
@vlo Im travelling in Europe right now with 1 year old who we have co-slept with from birth. We have bought a bed binder with us (a thing off amazon that holds together two mattresses so they don't drift apart) and a bed rail. She rolls around a lot but isn't super mobile so we are just being extra vigilant. The bed binder creates some firmness due to the tension of the fabric but I have heard people say a yoga mat works well (thicker the better) if you can fit one in your suitcase. Having mattresses on the floor is also the best option but not always possible. Happycosleeper on Isntagtam has some good posts on this topic too
@vlo We stayed with our then 3.5-month old in a hotel in Germany before Christmas. What I can nearly guarantee for German hotels is that the mattresses will be SOOOOOOOFT. I even struggled to nurse side-lying because baby and I would sink into the mattress like that. However, we talked to the people there before check-in, and they had the possibility to install some kind of bedside crib with a firm mattress for the baby. Worked out pretty well! My suggestion would be to call the hotels and ask for bedside cribs. You probably won't be successful everywhere, but you might get positively surprised as we did.
@vlo Tbh I don’t cosleep in hotel beds. Most just aren’t firm enough for my comfort. I bring a portacrib and try to get baby down in it. I sometimes sleep on a blanket on the floor next to baby