Co sleep with 2 year old and newly pregnant. I’m terrified for the future


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Pretty much what the title says. I have co slept and breast fed to sleep my 22 month old since she was 2 months old. She still sleeps in the baby wrap for her nap as well.
I just found out that I am pregnant and I’m so scared. I love having my toddler in the bed with me and I don’t want to stop sleeping with her. I don’t know what I’m going to do when this new baby comes. It also doesn’t help that my husband works night shift so a lot of the time I won’t have help at bed time.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
@riverthorn When my new baby came we moved our toddler to a full size bed in his own room and my husband slept in there w him. Now he’s older and can sleep on his own in there. But on rare occasions like when dad is on a business trip now both my kids can sleep in my bed with me which is very fun. You just have to wait for the new one to be older to add the toddler back in. Unfortunately for safety purposes you aren’t supposed to have other kids in the bed when you bedshare with a newborn/little baby.
@treetreetop Seconded! We managed to get our 2.5 year old to fall asleep in her own bed and bedroom, but she ends up with me a new Bub every night. Baby is in a side car. Toddler cuddles with me. Only downside is having to sleep away from partner. Maybe in a couple of years we can share a bed together again!
@riverthorn I had the same fear. I was intent on having my newborn in the bedside bassinet co-sleeper for longer than my firstborn (he only made it about 3 months before I had to bring him in bed so we could get some real rest), so that we could all co sleep a bit more safely. Well, she ended up in bed with us on the second night we brought her home. Mama was tired! But Mama was also more confident in safe co-sleeping. Toddler was on one side of me and baby on the other side and a mesh bed rail on the side of bed where baby slept. It all worked out just fine!
@riverthorn I dont have practical advice, but i have had 2under2, and currently expecting my third which will be my second round of 2 under 2 and we have been practicing extended breastfeeding, bedsharing, without ever doing cry it out sleep training. I believe in you, it is possible!! Congratulations!!
@riverthorn You have lots of time! Enjoy the time with your 2yo now. Solve what comes later, later.

For what it’s worth, we just split up and my wife (I’m the other wife, who has carried both children) sleeps with our big kid and I sleep with the baby — it wasn’t as rough of an adjustment as I’d expected.