Co parent changes jobs on average every 1.5 years...I could use some advice


New member
I currently provide healthcare for our child and it is a high deductible plan. Father has recently offered to put our child on his employer provided plan. On the face of it, it appears to be better than what I have. I'm hesitant to agree to a change because father has a long history of changing jobs ever year or two. Some he has quit voluntarily but others he's been fired.

Has anyone else experienced having to change healthcare every couple years? Is it a hassle? Is it worth the potential headache? I would hate for our child's pediatrician to suddenly be out of network.
@silencespeaks21 I keep my high deductible policy in place because of similar concerns so my kid is double insured. We both still save money since HD premiums are relatively low. As a bonus, this lets me still contribute up to the family limit for my HSA.
@silencespeaks21 It probably isn't that big of a deal. If he switches jobs, she'll be eligible for a special enrollment period due to loss of coverage, and you can add her back to your plan.

Some things to consider:

Does her pediatrician accept his insurance?

How high is the deductible for his plan? A lower deductible might not be worth it if in a typical year she won't meet it.

If your coparent switches jobs, are they reliable enough to get any documentation you need to prove she's eligible for special enrollment period?

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