Close Before You Doze!

@adelita Yep we started just before our first baby was born. It took a couple weeks but eventually the cats stopped howling. It's been 5 years and they still aren't allowed in. We sleep so much better without them pestering us. We also got an automatic cat feeder so they no longer come to us to beg when they are hungry, they just wait around the feeder when they know it's time.
@nabthefool The automatic feeder was one of the best purchases we've ever made! They get several snacks during the day and one at night. We made sure the portion sizes weren't too big so they don't eat too much, but they eat frequently. Absolutely worth the $50 we paid for it
@adelita Luckily its just our door, I don’t expect it to be an issue with baby’s room when he is here. One of them is young and gets into things so its easier to have it cracked and let him come in and out.
@ermahgerd Our cats did this, and we live in an old uneven house so with a big enough push they could get our door open. We created a super nice space for them in the basement with a cat tower, heated beds, litter boxes and water. We put them in the basement at night to prevent them from barging in. It's been much nicer than loud meows and paws to the face in the middle of the night.
@starchurch Our apartment is pretty small (2 bedroom), so their space is the cat tower in the living room. We just have one young cat who has yet to learn that night time means settling down. I suspect that he will chill out in a bit but I don’t expect this to be an issue for babies room once he’s here. Its just mine and my fiance’s.

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