
@giot Sounds like near textbook reflux. Have they ever talked about adding rice cereal to their bottles since he failed the Enfamil AR? What kind of environmental modifications have you tried? Like the other comment, some pediatricians will start out with Pepcid and see if that helps. Otherwise, as his trunk muscles become stronger his epiglottis will become less floppy which reduces reflux almost completely.
@joyfulnoiseginnifer Yes I’ve added extra rice to his bottle. They won’t prescribe him any meds. Just keep switching his milk and saying allergies. I make sure I position him right during feeding and i keep him upright for Atleast an hour after eating. Idk anything else to do that would help. I can’t even get a reflux diagnosis. He’s projectile vomiting and it’s coming out his nose too( common I know) but I’m scared to even let him sleep because one night I heard some noise and looked over into his crib and he was choking and eventually stopped breathing. I had to take him to the hospital then
@bootsie1 That was his pediatricians idea. Even though his milk already had rice in it (enfamil A.R) she told me to add more. His new one told me to do it too so I listened. I’m ready to get a 3rd opinion from another pediatrician because it seems like they are giving me the wrong info
@giot Try another pediatrician. I described our boys’ symptoms (which were not nearly as severe as yours—just arching and crying after feeds, barfing every time we laid them down and screaming every time we laid them down no matter how long we kept them upright) and our ped was like sure let’s try Pepcid. No convincing needed, and for a much milder situation. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I would really recommend seeking another pediatrician. There’s no reason not to try reflux meds. I know they can be over used but this is obviously not a case of your demanding meds because your baby spit up once.
@daiphucka Im definitely considering switching again. I had to beg the hospital for the little meds they gave him. They basically gave him pedialyte and said bye. If this new doctor doesn’t work then I will just have to stick it out I guess
@giot Absolutely would try another pediatrician because it’s ridiculous for them to expect you to wait that long to get into GI. I’m a pediatric nurse practitioner and myself and the other two pediatricians would without a doubt prescribe Pepcid for this as a first step
@joyfulnoiseginnifer That’s what I thought. I almost fainted when she said take him to a hospital to see a pediatrician. I’m like well why am I coming here? Even the hospital said why couldnt she prescribe him anything first . I should’ve known when she diagnosed his cradle cap as allergies and said it was uncommon for babies to have.
@giot It sounds like reflux to me as well. Our pediatrician also never said those words to us and I felt like had anyone, we would have been able to solve the problem earlier. Anyway, what eventually worked for us was propping him up more while eating (age/ability dependent) and deliberately slowing him down to burp more often. It only happened a time or two once we perfected it. We never used any meds.
@giot First of all, I’m so sorry you’re going through this and that the doctors aren’t listening to your very valid concerns.

Second, this sounds exactly like one of my twins when he was a baby. It was reflux and doc put him in Zantac and switched formula to similac alimentum and that worked pretty well for us. Doc also told us to keep him upright for at least 30 mins after feeding and she gave us the ok to let him sleep in his swing for a few days (with supervision) while we waited for the switches to really start taking effect. She also warned against switching his formula up too much as she said it takes time for the body to adjust to any changes and too many changes can actually have the opposite effect of what you’re going for. He did grow out of it as he got older and we were able to stop the meds and go back to a regular formula around 4 months old.
@evilemu14 Okay. I asked about the switching milk thing and she told me to just pull him off of his milk everytime. She would say use the milk for two days and if you don’t see a difference then switch him. I thought it was strange but I figured she would know better than me. He will be 4 months February 7th but he’s a month premature idk if it makes a difference or not but I’m hoping it goes away soon.
@giot My boys were also a month premature (they turn 6yrs old next week 😱). Reflux is super common in premies, I can’t believe your pediatrician won’t try meds especially considering you’ve tried so many different formulas already. If you can I would try to switch docs.
@evilemu14 Me too. It’s almost like she will get in trouble if she prescribes medication. He’s on the ready feed alimentum with cereal in it now ( her idea). I’m definitely going to switch doctors because 10 different milks a month is insane. Especially since none are working
@giot This is just wrong. It takes 2 weeks - 14 days - if it's a cow protein allergy. If you stayed off ALL cow protein (including eating any yourself for 14 days if you're BF) - then you know it's not that.

Doesn't seem like it though because that's typically a gut and intestine problem that shows up with mucus/blood stools in addition to pain while eating - not choking after.
@bettywnieves That’s what I told her because I had a friend ask me why they switched his milk so many times and I told her she was pulling him off his milk every two days if it didn’t work. She said her doctor has her daughter wait 2 to 3 weeks. I literally had appointments on Monday then Wednesday then Friday of the same week for sample cans. I still have some sample cans in here from her. After a while I told her no and kept him on the A.R. All that switching his milk was making his stomach hurt.

I went to this new pediatrician thinking she would help but nope. More sample cans. Now she’s saying he might be allergic to corn syrup in the canned alimentum and needs the ready feed (doesn’t contain corn syrup) then after fat try pepticate. I’m just pissed
@giot When you take him to the hospital is it a regular hospital or pediatric? How close is the nearest Childrens hospital to you? Maybe you should try to take him there if you haven’t already. They may have better resources and testing/treatment ideas for you to figure out what’s going on

I work at a pediatric hospital and I see patients come through ER for similar issues
@milliekeeling23 It was twice to a regular hospital and once to a children’s hospital. The closest children’s hospital is about 20 minutes away. I was told if he’d have to be admitted that the would transfer him from the one closest to my house to the one I took him too so i went ahead and took him to it to avoid transferring him. It’s 3 here but they’re all the same name just different locations
@giot Hmm sounds like possible reflux. My son had really bad reflux and it sounds similar to what you are experiencing. It was awful. My pediatrician however had zero issues prescribing compounded prilosec (pepcid/famotidine is short acting vs omeprazole/prilosec) It irks me some pediatricians are so reluctant to prescribe it, it’s only for the short term until the baby gets bigger etc. and grows out of it. I would hammer into that to at least try to see if that helps. FWIW it helped my son 100% and the. we were weaned off it as he grew bigger.

If you keep him propped up post feeding does it help any? I hope you get some answers and a workable solution. good luck.