
@bethesda I’ve tried the different nipples thing too. I can give it another shot. I’ve also tried different air, colic bottles. Dr brown, Phillip avent etc. I’m just getting so frustrated about it :(.
@giot It's so frustrating and scary to see them have episode after episode. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. When we were in the NICU we were getting close to discharge and both the twins started choking like this pretty frequently and EVERY single doctor was just like, "they just have to grow." So frustrating. I tried delaying leaving the hospital (even after being there for 3 months) because I was so scared. I want to say that it just started to get better little by little around 3 months of age adjusted. How old is your LO?
@bethesda They will be 4 months on February 7 and it’s getting worse. The doctor switched his milk to similac liquid allimentum and he’s been having worse episodes all day today. He’s gagging and choking with vomit coming out his mouth, nose etc. I got another appointment for them on Wednesday because he has to stop this milk immediately. I’m worried it’s a blockage somewhere or something because there’s no way he can’t drink any milk at all. At his age it should be getting better. And he’s definitely underweight
@giot Yeah, I 100% agree with you that it should be getting better. I did notice that as the girls got bigger that their episodes were worse, but started to taper off in frequency. I figured that a bigger baby is just going to have a bigger amount of milk to cough up and choke on.

If he's underweight or, especially if he's lost weight, that is something the doctors will pay attention to. I had multiple doctors tell me that only if my girls were losing weight would they intervene with medication and further tests. Until then, it was just using the bulb suction and waiting it out.

One other thought, is he pooping ok? There was a big correlation with my kiddos straining to poop and that causing them to spit up massive amounts of milk and choke. Not a lot we could do about it other than just hold them upright for as long as possible and "help" them poop when we knew it was coming.

I hope you can get to a doctor that understands what you're going through as soon as you can.
@bethesda He strains to poop and poops every other day. At first he would go days without pooping. But I was told he don’t poop as much because he’s not digesting enough food to poop. My thing is if you know he’s not gaining weight due to vomiting why not help him :(