
@giot This sounds exactly like what happened to my boy twin! He did indeed have reflux and was given medication for it. He’s been on Similac Neosure since birth, but we tried other formulas to rule out formula sensitivity. It was terrifying to see him choke and he’d literally being spewing formula and mucus out of his mouth and nose, not able to catch his breath. Once he was put on the medication it got better and he’s now grown out of the reflux. He’s almost 7 months old now. I would definitely talk to GI doc and maybe change pediatrician as well. Sounds like they’re not listening to your concerns and I feel like that’s really important. You know your babies best so you keep pushing them. I hope they give you answers soon!
@lemma Thank you. I’m going to try another pediatrician and try to get a G.I doctor. He’s not gaining properly due to the vomiting so if no referral I’m going to try to have him admitted and that will force a g.I doctor to see him.
@iheartmacsgaydiack I did and tithe first doctor said 6-8 months before they could see him so I left. The second pediatrician said that the G.I doctor won’t do anything more than what the hospital did so no referral from her either. I’m searching for a third pediatrician now and I’m the meantime I’m going to try to get him admitted.
@giot A pediatric ENT is the way. Do you have a camera on him when he's sleeping and has these episodes? If not you you need it. This definitely does sound like silent reflux.

We had to keep seeing 4 different pediatricians, a regular ER trip and a pediatric ER trip before anyone would listen. I honestly can't remember how we got the ENT referral (I blame this on no sleep because I would be so afraid for my son). Keep going to a pediatrician to get the referral. If not, see if you can get a list of pediatric ENTs from your insurance company and then call those offices. A GI doctor is not the first step. That ENT should push you to the correct doctors and hopefully you get a team of doctors to help you and your son.

I am so sorry you are going through this. I know what it's like to see him hurting and no one will listen.
@marc30 I will do just that. I completely forgot I could do that. I’m also open to driving out of town for doctors at this point because I’m getting no look in my city. Unfortunately I just stay woke all night and look over into his crib every few minutes because I’m so scared. The lack of sleep makes my memory horrible. Thank you
@giot Oh I get this. I would hear his head and body wiggling on the mattress. And the gurgling sound of stomach acid and milk in his throat (it literally sounds like congestion in the nose but that congestion was actually in his throat) It would wake me from a dead sleep. And it happened so often every night for four months. He does still sound like this but it's not while he's laying down on his back anymore and it's often when he's upright. He's on Nexium and it's a life saver. His team is going to try weaning him off soon. We have our fingers crossed. And reflux is still the reason we have our 9 1/2 month twins still sleeping in pack n plays in our room.

I hope you find an ENT soon. 🤞🤞