Child Care is Expensive, or Why I Bought My Mother-In-Law a Car

@veron It's weird in my HCOL I've noticed there are a lot of childcare options that are super expensive but I noticed something interesting, they were owned by private equity firms from halfway across the country. Found some more options around town after talking to parents. Went from 2.8k to 1.6k. Loving it so far, and far more community oriented. This is for a Montessori
@gillr One of the most expensive daycare chains near me was recently bought out by a Canadian company. They’ve also had issues with abusive employees.

We were all in on them because my wife worked for them a few years before that went down. Then we noticed the fuckery. Kiddie Academy it is.
@gillr We switched from a national chain charging 2.7K a month to a local school that charged 1.8K a month (this was two years ago). The local school was miles better. The big chains offer food and a constant stream of photos and videos on the app and maybe less school closures during the year but the staff were all miserable and there was no plan for what the kids did other than just play all day in a room full of toys. I definitely lost faith in the national chains.
@gillr I'm sure there are cheaper options, but my wife and I commute in opposite directions so we really are limited to something in walking distance. Every other option in our area is a home daycare with no reviews/references readily available or doesn't cover the hours we need. We currently pay for 8-6 and many programs didn't even start until 9.
@brandonhi Dang, also central NJ here. We've got 2 kids in 5 days a week for about $3,200/month total. I gotta wonder what daycare would be that much for one kid??

Thankfully one is nearing Kindergarten. Going to a catholic school but it's like 1/3 the cost of daycare, so still a win.... I guess.
@aishalem Man that's nuts for Chicago burbs? I though that Chicago was maybe comparable to Houston for cost of living. We're in Raleigh paying $3k/mo (moved from Austin and have lived previously in Houston), but $3k/mo here is for a fancy pants daycare.
@aishalem 3.5k/month sounds asinine for Chicago burbs. I’m in city proper in Lincoln park and the infant room is not more than $2700 a month. Heck, elementary private schools in Chicagoland are in the 30-35k per year range and you’re beating those by a good margin
@aishalem Western Chicago suburb checking in. We got roughly $2k estimate from a bit of research (Oak Park). Of course, those daycares have a two year waiting list. Two years .... so you sign up when you get a twinkle in your eye about having a kid in the future I guess?

We're very lucky to have an amazing friend / med student who lives in our building. She watched the kid whenever she is free, which allows me to WFH while my wife works in the office.

Man, childcare costs are just insane. It's a part time job paycheck!

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