Can a 2yr old recognize letters?


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We have letter magnets, and he likes it when I draw for him and recently he asked me to spell names, my name, his dad's name, grandma grandpa that sort of thing.

Last week there was a g on the fridge and he seemed to point and say grandpa. I asked what the M was he said Z for another name of a friend, I corrected and we moved on. Today he picked up a piece of paper and I swear he said the first three letters of my name (my full name was on the paper) my name is eight letters and all different letters, like think Caroline. So he pointed and said "c" "a" "r" and I was like what? And I asked him where the R was and he pointed to a lightly written Y which looked quite a bit like an R, I corrected and asked him where the other R.'s are and he pointed them out. Is this age normal? I mean it's cute, its just not what I was expecting, am I reading too much into it?
@slyanimal I mean we hand wrote our daughter’s name on a piece of paper and asked her ‘what does this say?’ And she said her first and last name - I’m guesssssing she realised it looked similar/the same to her name tag on her water bottle/snack containers - (this was after doing drawings and having her guess our drawings of strawberries/dogs etc another great activity that we do that’s really fun!!) they are so smart!
@apkarctic it's so nice to see the little leaps, I'm a first time mom with no experience with kids otherwise so I wasn't sure what was in the range. he's definitely not advanced linguistically by any means so I was expecting his letters to follow at the same pace.
@slyanimal It’s funny the connections they make themselves though! And the concepts they cling on too haha I still get a ‘good job mummy’ when I go to the toilet because that’s what I say to her when she does a wee in the toilet hahah!
@slyanimal Our son could recognize all the letters by 2 and all the sounds by 3. He’s not any closer to reading at 4, but the kid knows his letters. Keep it going. Kids will surprise you.
@slyanimal Yeah, it’s definitely possible, my son has known all the letters since around 18 months or so. He learned them from Chika Chika Boom Boom originally and then we got him a letter puzzle because he was so interested.

Though per the CDC “naming some letters when you point to them” is a five year old milestone.
@ezzeking Yes! Our little guy has been saying 'bye bye ' to all the foam letters as he puts them away when done with his bath since he was ca. 18mo. I think it's a lot to do with watching Ms Rachel when in the car but we also go with it and of course encourage with alphabet toys.
@slyanimal My son is not quite two and recognizes letters and some numbers. I have no idea if he’s “where he’s supposed to be” in terms of development, but to me it’s impressive!
@slyanimal My 21mo has been getting some light letter practice at daycare and has been recognizing a few letters, but has been more likely to say the common picture associated with it like she’ll call the letter A “Apple.” There’s a sign in our apartment building that has a big isolated letter A with no pictures so it’s definitely the letter she’s recognizing. so yeah I think it’s totally possible that 2yos can name letters.
@slyanimal Some of them, absolutely!

Bragging time: My 2½-year-old can count to and recognize the numbers 1-50, can write the numbers 1-5, knows basic addition and subtraction with numbers 1-5, can recite his alphabet, can identify all letters upper and lower (plus the sounds they make), can sound out some 2-3 letter words, and has a few other words memorized.

He's obsessed with letters, numbers, symbols, and shapes. We encourage his passion but have never pushed it on him.
@slyanimal My son is 2y4m and he definitely recognizes several letters and numbers, and even knows the sounds some of them make. He knows A, B, C, D, H, O, P, U, and X at least by sight; and he knows U says “uh”, H says “hah” (he just does a breathy H sound, very cute) etc.

He will often point to letters he knows and proudly say, “A! Ah, ah, APPLESAUCE!”
@slyanimal My 2.5 year old recognizes letters and can recite the ABCs. I’ve been reading to her for 15 - 30 every night since she was 9 months old, including Anne of Green Gables ABC and Dr Suess ABC.