Camila tablet (micronor/nor-q-d) birth control and breastfeeding?


New member
Prescribed by OB but supposed undesirable effects on nursing infants... Anyone have experience with/good information about this?
@siesaw23 Pharmacist here, my drug references said this:

Infant risk cannot be ruled out. Available evidence and/or expert consensus is inconclusive or is inadequate for determining infant risk when used during breastfeeding. Weigh the potential benefits of drug treatment against potential risks before prescribing this drug during breastfeeding.

Contraception: Therapy may be initiated 6 weeks postpartum in fully lactating (no formula) women or 3 weeks postpartum in partially lactating (some formula) women.

Although nonhormonal methods are preferred during breastfeeding, progestin-only contraceptives such as norethindrone are considered the hormonal contraceptives of choice during lactation. Poor to fair quality evidence indicates that norethindrone does not adversely affect the composition of milk, the growth and development of the infant or the milk supply.

Basically, they are considered safe but there isn't really high quality evidence that proves it. However, there is not good evidence that they are harmful.

LactMed is a free app that I personally use that is a great source for information about affects of drugs on the infant and how it affects milk supply. Progestin-only pills are widely prescribed for lactating women and are considered safe. They are a bit trickier than traditional birth control pills that also contain estrogen, because you have to take them at the SAME TIME EVERY DAY. If you take a pill more than 3 hours late, use another form of birth control for the next 48 hours.
@siesaw23 If this is true I'd love to know more. I was prescribed it and have been hesitant to start it because I am worried about its impact on supply.