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Hey - I am 2 weeks c-section postpartum.

I’ve always had a fit lifestyle.

After the surgery - I have not been able to connect with my core. So much so that easy tasks feels like huge stress. My body is extremely tight right now. Idk what to do.

Somebody please tell me what to do and is it normal?
@sathyaraj Let your core rest. You've had major abdominal surgery. Your core has been cut open. It's completely normal for your muscles to not work right now. Give it time
@sathyaraj I'm just over 6 weeks or from my 1st c section and I probably started feeling more myself about a week or two ago. Give yourself some grace and take it easy.
@sathyaraj It is normal. That's why you're not supposed to be active for 6 weeks. Relax and enjoy your baby. Go for walks. You can get back at it after 6 weeks if you feel up to it
@sathyaraj It's been 2 weeks. You're not even supposed to be driving for 2 weeks after a c-section. It's a major abdominal surgery, and you also just had a baby which in itself does a number on your core. It's normal. I am very fit, an ultra runner, have a 6 pack etc etc - I could barely do a sit up when I finally got the OK to exercise at 6 weeks. Ease yourself back in slowly. By 6 months I was back to my pre-pregnancy workouts, and pre-pregnancy strength by 9 months I would say.
@sathyaraj Take your time and rest. My physiotherapist said it’s good that I didn’t try to do anything earlier than 5-6 weeks so that things could heal properly.

@sathyaraj Please please please let your body rest, it’s only been 2 weeks hun, don’t put your body through more stress right now. I gave birth naturally and even like that was hard for me to get back in track after waiting 6 weeks. I started feeling more like myself at around 9-10 months PP, (14.5 months now). You had a huge surgery, even more reason to take care of your sacred temple.🙏🏼 rest up and enjoy your baby, and after 6 weeks you may slowly start getting back on track! You got this mama ❣️
@sathyaraj You have to wait. After about two months post c section I started doing core rehab exercises and somatic healing poses. Now at 11 months pp I am doing bands, free weights and a weighted hula hoop. You can see some definition in my core but definitely no super defined abs. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
@sathyaraj I agree with the other comments stating that now is a time to let your core rest. BUT around 2-3 weeks after my second c section, I started building in gentle connection to my core through connection breaths, diaphragmatic breathing, and gentle pelvic floor exercises. It has made a big difference in my recovery this time around and I’m experiencing much less back pain (which required lots of PT after my first c section). I’m using MegSquats’ postpartum program but there are lots of resources out there for how to build in gentle core connection in these early days.
@sathyaraj 2 weeks after my c-section I could still barely do stairs more than 2X a day and my back ached so badly even on very short walks. Just allow your body to rest and heal. It’s been through a lot.