@sathyaraj 100% rest for 6 weeks. You get one chance to heal, do it to the VERY best of you ability and that means allowing the body to just be. I know it’s so hard.
I’m 6 months PP and starting to feel better and better. This is my 2nd c section. The first was unplanned and it took me about a year to really feel like I was back to myself. This second was planned and it was much easier to get back to a routine.
But seriously, look at a paper plate. That’s how big of a wound you have inside of you just from birth, then add the trauma of major abdominal surgery. If you saw that on the outside of your skin, you would likely go easy. It’s still all there and healing, so be patient.
You’ve got this! It will get easier. First few weeks I just focused on deep belly breathing. Then slow walking. Once I was cleared at 6 weeks I did more hill walks and some Pilates type core work.