C Section Recovery


New member
I am 4 weeks post partum from a C section. About a week ago I started getting shooting pains in and around the incision (no signs of infection, the incision itself is healing nicely). The bigger issue is about 2 days ago I started having pain above the incision, the overhang part above the incision, below the belly button. It is sore when I move and sore to the touch, but not excruciating. It is similar to a bruise but there is no bruise. Has anyone else had this happen after a C section?
@sheviree You should discuss this with your doctor when you see at 6 weeks post partum. But I think it is normal. I had some shooting pain too and I still do(4 months post partum now). Be careful and take your time with recovery. With taking care of baby and everything else, I forget sometimes that my body is still recovering. It was a major surgery.
@risetothesky Of course, I have my appointment set and plan to being it up, I just wanted to see if someone else has experienced this and what the outcome was. And I agree with you, taking care of the baby I tend to over do it and forget as well and that may be what I've done here with the upper part of my incision area. Thank you for resppnding and sharing your experience with this
@risetothesky Agree. I’m 7 months pp and get the prickly feeling or some pain. My mom told me the reality is that it takes a year to heal. My doc said the feelings are usual. I tend to feel it when I’ve been more active. My outside scar has healed beautifully.