C-19 Vax

@randypnw My wife got the moderna booster during the third trimester. She contacted covid right after, however the symptoms were mild. Highly recommend vaccination to have a peace of mind.
@randypnw I 100% recommend it.

My spouse got the Moderna series early last year as she works in schools. Her first dose was at the 6-month mark in pregnancy. The vaccine protected my spouse, my child, and also me. Our baby was born happy and healthy, and even had some anti-bodies.
@randypnw My wife was going to wait until after our daughter was born to get it, that was the cdc recommendation at the time. But halfway through the delta variant came around and was causing lots of problems for pregnant woman. The conversation she had with her OB was her OB telling her he was more worried about her living long enough to deliver the baby than any possible side effect. My wife is an ICU nurse so she was also seeing these woman first hand, so for us at that point it was obvious what to do. She got both while she was pregnant. And neither she or our daughter had any issues that could be remotely linked to the vaccine.
@randypnw Im not a physician but a hospital worker. Get vaccinated. There's a very real overrepresentation of pregnant women that put in the ICU with covid. Here in Sweden the number of people in the ICU in the ages 20-39 have been 40% pregnant women.
@randypnw When the vaccinating campaign over here began, pregnant women were advised not to take it. Not because of any risks, just because there wasn’t enough data. After a while it shifted towards ‘there is no big additional risk for pregnant women over other people’. So my wife already wanted to take the shot.
A couple of months later, could be related with Delta, not sure about that, it became apparent that pregnant women that got infected had more risk of getting very sick. So at that point she really wanted it.

When it was our turn, my wife was 32wks in for the first shot and 38 for the second. She took ‘em and had no problems whatsoever.

Long story short: take the vaccine. The risk of side effects are outweighed by the risks when you get COVID.
@randypnw My wife got both shots (Pfizer) in third trimester. No regrets. Heathy baby girl with no complications. Very grateful little one has a mother and father that are doing all they can to make sure they stay alive.
@randypnw Wife was vaccinated w\second shot and booster while pregnant with our 2nd. She to the booster during the third trimester at the advice of her Dr. No issues other than a bit of fatigue from the booster.

Baby is a month old and doing fine.

Me on the other hand 2nd shot and booster horrible chills for several days. Though I have quite a few medical issues.
@randypnw Both of us are double vaxxed prior to pregnancy and boosted in pregnancy. Huge relief and peace of mind, our little girl is 29 weeks and is growing absolutely perfectly. No regrets at all and can't recommend highly enough that you get it done so you don't regret not getting it from an ICU bed and wonder what you could have done differently. Risks vs rewards here make it a clear decision
@randypnw My wife got her booster while pregnant - no regrets. Multiple doctors agreed that the third trimester was great timing since antibodies would also go to the baby. Win-win!
@randypnw Pregnant with twins and currently have Covid, Omicron variant. Please get it! I’m so glad I’m vaccinated because it’s been pretty rough. Can’t imagine how bad off I would be if I was unvaccinated.
@randypnw Wife got the JnJ at 3 months pregnant. Things were falling apart with Delta and JnJ wasn’t giving any info so she went and got 2 shots of moderna. She and (recently born, sorry guys forgot to announce) baby are fine.
@randypnw I didn’t know I was pregnant when I got the booster until 6 weeks after receiving the vaccine. I had no negative side effects. Realistically, I put myself first as it is because I need to do what I feel is right for me.