C-19 Vax

@randypnw Partner got the booster while pregnant, all good. One thing to keep in mind is that she’ll pass the baby antibodies via amniotic fluid but it takes a few weeks to get there - so IMO being vaxxed or boosted at least a few months before delivery is ideal, to give your baby some ammunition against COVID (in the best case of child vaccines are approved soon, baby will have to be ~6 months before getting it, most likely).
@randypnw My wife was vaccinated while pregnant, no issues and our daughter is just a couple weeks shy of 6 months. I spoke to a friend of mine that’s been an L&D nurse for over 25 years. She said that while they don’t know the long term effects fully yet, they know they pregnant women are 5X more likely to need a ventilator and other specialty care due to Covid. She personally saw 5 pregnant women die from Covid through 2020-2021; she didn’t see any cases of problems from the vaccine.
@randypnw I got vaccinated while pregnant and baby is happy and healthy. Pregnant people are much more likely to die from covid than the general public because they are immunosuppressed. No evidence to indicate harm for baby or mother from vaccine while pregnant, but lots of evidence to indicate that getting covid will yield worse outcomes if you are pregnant. Edit: I’m a public health professional.
@randypnw My wife got the booster in her third trimester, no issue.

When we finally delivered the nurses told us it was really good we had. They'd seen a lot of complications with Unvaccinated pregnancies that got sick.
@randypnw Wife got her booster around 25 weeks. Doing great here. Antibodies can be passed via breast milk so even if the booster only gets coverage of 6 months, something will be passed onto our boy.
@randypnw I was vaccinated in early 2020 in my third trimester, both doses. I had Pfizer. Sick as a dog for a day after the second, but it sure as hell beat getting COVID-19 while pregnant which seems to have some pretty major consequences including termination of pregnancy. I also felt better knowing that baby potentially had antibodies once he was out in the world.

Baby is happy and healthy.
@randypnw My wife got both while pregnant. We had 3 friends of friends that went for emergency c sections cause they got COVID and the baby's heart rate was dropping. Then it followed with them not able to see the baby until they were cleared which pretty much screwed up their chance of trying to breast feed or at least made it super hard.

Our baby is great, super cute and hitting all the milestones early or right on time.
@randypnw Get it. Wife got first two shots during pregnancy (end of May/early June). Definitely go with what her doctor says but it seems silly not to get it. The science is all there.
@randypnw My siblings wife's did. Mine was already here when the vax came up, but I talked with an ordinator of a hospital, and she highly reccomended getting vaxxed while pregnant. Her daughter was recently pregnant, so she was really into the topic. My kid and her grandkid both went through covid as infants (less than 2 months) and she was the only doctor willing to take a look at his results. They don't/didn't have enough data to give any proper analysis, but since she was interested she did, compared notes and we're in touch regarding their situation. That's as much as I can give you.
@randypnw I was at the doctor last week. He said their OB unit has more pregnant women with covid pneumonia than actually in labor. And the vaccines are fine for pregnant people!
@randypnw Both double, and soon to be boosted too. Good friends with a doctor. Highly recommended by all the professionals and experts.

Really what non expert people say on the internet shouldn't matter though. It's a question that anecdotal evidence shouldn't matter. Those experts are good with data and numbers and science stuff so we don't have to be.
@randypnw My wife was vaccinated in her second trimester. No issues or complications and our son is happy and healthy at 9 months now. Studies have shown that your baby will also likely have Covid antibodies, so they’ll have a leg up at a vulnerable age.
@randypnw My wife got both vaccine hits and booster shot while pregnant.

No issues. Worse she had was a minor headache. In my case all I got for all three hits was barely a sore arm. No more than when you get a flu shot (which we also got during this period) and far less than when I got the meningitis or Tdap. Can't recall but those left a sore arm for a day or so.

Baby came out clean as a whistle . Well save for the jaundice but that's just a newborn for you.
@randypnw I’ll tell you the same thing I tell everyone, and I mean this in a sincere way and do not mean to come off as a dick.

This is a conversation to have between you, wife, and OBGYN and don’t let others influence what’s best for your family. The 3 of you will make the right call.
@randypnw We decided to hold off on mom getting vaccinated during pregnancy. We’re almost entirely isolated and felt more comfortable without it.

She’s real healthy, prioritizes her health and food intake above most things and she was 23 while preggo.

Since the vaccine is still relatively new, there haven’t been long term studies proving baby will be completely unaffected down the road.

It was a conversation we had over and over for a long time. Neither of us were really sure and we both swayed back and forth from “maybe we should” to “maybe we shouldn’t.” In one clear way, you’re protecting LO and mom. In another, you have no idea what long term effects could be paired with the shots.

We eventually decided the long term uncertainty risk, one that we seemingly can’t control, outweighed the covid risk, especially since we CAN control our environment for the most part to avoid covid.

So we stuck with what we can control: Who we interact with, the places we go, her food intake, daily exercise, baby balancing yoga (idek if it’s called that), among others. We’ve read a LOT about fetus development. SO takes it super super seriously + works as an RN with infants.

In any case, this was our personal decision. We ended up having a beautiful little baby 8 weeks ago. She’s perfect. Mom never got covid, thankfully, and all turned out well.

I’m sure I’ll be downvoted to hell considering this post isn’t pro-shot, but I’m not pro- or anti-shot here, I’m simply sharing why we made OUR decision!
@stedfastgirl Congrats on the healthy baby, and appreciate the thoughtful response. we also thought about long term risks, but they seem small when measured against the clear risks / outcomes associated with getting it while pregnant (especially when not vaccinated).

Also, it’s pretty damn hard to perfectly control environment when you’ve got weekly OB appointments starting at 32 weeks. Plus newborn appointments, etc.
@ahealingpen Thank you!!

Long term risks do appear small since we don’t have long term data to associate with long term risks yet.

All clinical trials have been far too short to for any real compelling arguments against long term cause/correlation.

I totally respect your decision, too, though.