C-19 Vax

@randypnw Seriously, both of you need to get it for yourselves and your child. My wife’s a nurse at a women’s hospital. She got her first dose of Pfizer at stout 6 weeks, and second at 10. My daughter’s very healthy at 4 and a half months. She’s treated so many pregnant women with COVID and the possibilities are horrific, from early C-sections right through to the mother not pulling through to the mom being under full anesthetic for an emergency C section and never meeting her child because she dies from COVID on a ventilator soon after. The latter has happened 2 or 3 times at her hospital alone.
@randypnw Adding to the chorus of yes- get vaccinated. Risks of getting COVID and severe problems outweigh potential risks of vaccine. Like you, we’ve discussed it extensively too and both came to the conclusion that it’s better to deal with the current threat- the virus- which is happening now than the possible- which hasn’t happened yet- complications. Cos there won’t be any to think of if we catch the virus while unvaccinated and both didn’t make it. So better to be vaccinated
@randypnw Absolutely! My wife had access to the vaccine very early in 2021 when she was around 20 weeks pregnant. We discussed it and while it wasn’t the easiest decision because the vaccine was so new then and COVID was not a strong threat where we lived, she ultimately still got the vaccine. No side effects, other than having the best night of sleep of her entire pregnancy that night. Our son is 9 months old now and perfectly healthy :)
@randypnw Also in favor of getting it! My wife vaxxed during pregnancy and booster while nursing. Our baby came down with a very very MILD case of Covid, and while we can’t know for sure, we believe that her vaccinated status helped protect our baby from a serious case
@randypnw Not while pregnant but got both doses and the booster while breastfeeding, makes us feel like the baby is extra protected. Go for it.
@randypnw My wife and I just got our boosters while she was pregnant and had our 20 week scan a week after baby was fine and it barely affected her side effect wise!
I would definitely recommend it plus it helps protect the baby.
@randypnw My wife was pregnant during 2021 (from Jan to Oct).

We talked about it ourselves and decided to talk with our GP.

He told us there were no test done at the time, but that millions pregnant women had it around the world, without any side effect different from the ones already known. He also mentioned that the baby will have the antibodies for some months (I guess 6).

We decided to take the shots (Pfizer), and we don't regret.

Our girl was born in October! Perfect health! She is developing well 3 months today.
@randypnw I believe there's a much bigger risk if she gets covid while pregnant vs vaccine while pregnant.

And at this point it's becoming so contagious that it will be unlikely she avoids it for the whole pregnancy, so I would recommend getting it.
@randypnw I got vaccinated at 30 and 34 weeks pregnant. My area has horrifying covid numbers and my entire family got it at Christmas including my 6 week old. She never got a fever and the doctor was so impressed how well she was handling it. She thinks me getting vaccinated when I did has something to do with it.
@randypnw Pro. We both had covid in week 3 of pregnancy (werent awaren of said pregnancy back then), got 2 shots mid way thru pregnancy, and just received a booster while breastfeeding. The booster gave the most flu like symptoms for 24hrs and then settled.

So pro from me