C-19 Vax

@randypnw Yes I did! Got my first dose at 6 weeks then the second at like 10 ish weeks. No issues, no regrets. Especially with it ramping up again where we are.

I would’ve rather had issues then, then later in pregnancy when you’re more likely to have more severe symptoms. A lot of pregnant woman were on vents in my area, unfortunately a few of them didn’t make it. At the end of the day I asked myself, what risk are you willing to take? I have a 2 year old daughter I couldn’t leave behind if of something we’re to happen.

Alll personal choice tho!! But I have had no issues since.
@randypnw I actually got vaccinated while in my third trimester! I ended up going with Pfizer. I “recovered” really well from the vaccine, had nothing but a sore arm and a headache. I will say I was a bit scared just because I didn’t know if getting a vaccine while pregnant had any effects on baby, so I understand some women’s hesitancy to get the vaccine while pregnant however after speaking with my OB and coming to learn there’s basically no risk to getting vaccinated while pregnant, I went ahead with it. After that and imagining all the awful things getting C-19 while pregnant could do to myself and baby it was an easy decision. Plus an added bonus ended up being that my baby got covid antibodies through both the vaccine and breastfeeding!

He actually recently got Covid around Christmas from a visiting family member and he had little to no symptoms aside from diarrhea and a very small cough! Overall baby and I are both happy and
fortunately protected.
@randypnw I got my vaccine at the end of my third trimester and got the booster last month to pass the immunity to baby. We are currently getting over COVID and it has been rough for both of us but I’m glad we got the vaccine and had some type of immunity due to me being at high risk to develop severe infection.
@randypnw We were on the fence, but ultimately we knew the risks of C-19 for pregnant folks and babies were bad, so my partner got double vaxxed while pregnant. Baby is now 6 months old, perfectly healthy, and hitting developmental milestones early.
@randypnw We decided to start trying when the vaccines first were made available. My wife got the first one a few days before we learned she was pregnant her second one 5 weeks later. Our now one month old is totally healthy and happy. No big deal.
@randypnw Im a GP and my wife got her booster some weeks ago with little to no side effects. When getting covid, pregnant people face huge risks die Both themselves and their babies. Meanwhile, milions of pregnant people have been vaccinated with little to no side effects.

I strongly recommend pregnant people to get vaccinated!
@randypnw I was one of thr first pregnant women to get vaccinated in january of 2020. Moderna taken at 29 and 33 weeks. Very mild joint pain after 2nd dose. Healthy baby girl born in May. She has reached every mile stone and is picture perfect health.
@randypnw Female here, got vaccinated last spring, just got boosted yesterday at 29 weeks. Pregnancy has been just fine, and I would've done it while pregnant but I just happened to be done with the first two before that. Partner is also fully vaxxed and boosted, he never said a word about not wanting me to have it or anything like that.
@randypnw Partner and I were doubled vaxxed pre-conception and boosted when I was 7w. 18w now, baby and I are doing great.

My sis who is a nurse tells me she has seen cases of unvaccinated pregnant moms in the hospital with Covid really struggling to breathe.

I can’t imagine the fear of not getting enough oxygen for myself or my baby during pregnancy. I feel safer knowing we are both protected from the most severe symptoms.
@randypnw Got pregnant 4 months after receiving my second dose, after trying for nearly 4 years. Probably a coincidence. Just got my booster a few days ago at 11.5weeks. Every health care provider I've spoken to has said do it, so I did it 🤷🏻
@randypnw I’m 7 weeks pregnant and I’m getting my booster tomorrow. Every medical professional at my doctors office has strongly recommended it.
@randypnw I was double vaxxed before pregnancy (while breastfeeding my first) then got the booster at 16 weeks pregnant with my second.

It’s safer for mom— getting COVID in the third trimester is very risky. Plus hopefully she’ll pass antibodies to the growing baby.
@randypnw Got first dose at the end of my second trimester and beginning of the third, baby is 5 mo and I’ll be going in for my booster next weekend.

Absolutely no complications whatsoever, no feeling sick myself afterwards, and have exclusively breastfed since birth without issue.

Edit to add: I definitely recommend it. It can cause so many complications for pregnant women and their babies. If mom can’t breath then baby isn’t getting oxygen either. If I remember correctly from my reading at the begging of the year, the proteins don’t cross over the placenta but baby will get the antibodies.
@randypnw I got vaccinated while pregnant after deciding the risks of covid while pregnant vastly outweighed my worries about the vaccine. I was in my 3rd trimester. Sitting here with my healthy little 4 month old now.