Broken condom, No ejaculation, 7 days before ovulation


New member

Me(28M) and my gf(22F) were having sex on the 20th of April(2 days after her period had ended) when I noticed the condom had broken. I was nowhere near ejaculation and was inside of her with the condom broken for maybe 10-15 seconds before noticing and stopping. Last time I ejaculated prior to that was about 9-10 hours before. However I had urinated and cleaned thoroughly post-ejaculation

Her period started on the 12th of April and was expected on the 12th of may and is now 2 days late. Her cycle is usually 30 days, so ovulation should occur around day 16 which makes the 20th of April(when the condom broke) day 9 of her period or 7 days before expected ovulation.

I know the fertility window is about 5 days before ovulation + the day of and after ovulation. So 7 days is before the fertility window and chances should be super low right?

I read pretty much all the info about sperm in pre-cum I could find and most of the studies say that pre-cum does not contain sperm or contains one that is poorly formed and immobile

I am aware of the possibility of having left over sperm in my urethra from the previous ejaculation but most of the info I find suggest that the first urination flushes out any left over sperm and that no sperm is found after about 4.5 hours

Her period is now 2 days late and I'm starting to get very worried.

Should I be worried?

Thank you
@clergyabuseorg take my words with a grain of salt... but I'd say low chance. pre-cum becomes a risk because it's technically being shoved up there directly from your penis. although, reading through your experience, I wouldn't say she's pregnant. try to take a test after 2 weeks of delay for valid results