Breastfeeding makes some women sad. We need to talk about it

@admiradea No parent should be made to feel bad about feeding their child by whatever is best for them and their baby. I am so sick of lines being drawn about who is right or wrong. A fed, loved, cared-for baby is a happy, healthy baby. We need to go back to having a village instead of a mob. Everyone needs to come down off their soapbox of offendedness and offer support, love, and understanding to each other. When did we let kindness become revolutionary and hate so ordinary? We need to flip the script, judge less, and love more! We aren't so different, and if we'd open our eyes and ears we'd see we are more alike than we are different. steps down from soapbox, end rant
@admiradea I was one of those women. I experienced a lot of the symptoms of D-MER but pushed through and breastfed both of my kids for 2 years. I was miserable. If I ever have another child, I will definitely consider formula feeding.
@admiradea I’m unable to read the article, but breastfeeding hormones caused me to have postpartum psychosis. I was brushed off by at least 6 professionals when I tried to get help. It took forever to find a therapist who took me seriously, and it was only after I had stopped breastfeeding and my symptoms all “magically” went away.
@admiradea Thank you for posting this article. I had never heard of this specific issue before however I am recalling a peer in my leche League meetings describing something similar. I definitely will advocate for health care providers and peer-to-peer nursing support groups to screen for this and support women/parents in whatever way they need.
@admiradea I remember finding out about D-MER after googling something like "anxiety after milk letdown" because I couldn't understand why I kept worrying and consistently feeling a swoop of anxiety while pumping. I wish that I'd have been given a heads up at some point! Somehow I never came across any information about it until after giving birth.

I can't access the article without an account, but I'm all about spreading the word on this.

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