Both of us work, but we have no after school childcare. How do you guys do it?

@tomm1 She teaches high school chemistry in a different school district (30 min commute) that pays better than where we live and has childcare for the toddler that's about half as much as the daycares where we live ($1k/mo vs $2+k/mo). Our school system is way better, the town is much nicer, and it's where I work. We're hoping she can eventually work in this school district, even though the pay is worse (everyone wants to live here so they don't need to offer competitive pay).
@amyers3 Do they have a school bus?

Last year when my daughter was in Pre K I had her take the bus to and from school even though we only lived 11 minutes from the school, because the extra hour on the bus in the mornings and afternoons allowed me to work a full day from 7-3 if I didn’t take a lunch. Not great but the school bus is free and my daughter liked it.
@vierentwintig Man, I would be so grateful if we had a school bus. We have 7 elementary schools, 4 junior highs, and 3 high schools in this town but no bus service. There's bus service for the people who were smart enough to live one town over where it's somewhat cheaper but still send their kids to the nicer schools, but not for the folks that live here. Bus service would be a game changer.
@tomm1 SAHD is the dream, for sure. Can't say I'd ever make that earning potential back, but I'd be way happy to play homemaker for the rest of my days. I kind of suck at my job anyway.
@amyers3 I have no idea how people do, let alone single parents.

I started real estate so two of us weren’t on the 9-5 schedule, but full time daycare helped with the timing. Dropped off at 9, picked up by 5 lulled us to a sense of security. The biggest issue dealt with timing sick time, which came in handy because I could adjust my time during the week for real estate. Rarely do people want to see homes during the week, and everything else I can do from home.

Then regular school started.

Schedule is all screwed up now. Wife drops off in the morning, but I pick up in the afternoon. So I can only work until 2:30, at which point I have to take off. If I’m outside, then have to stop at 1:30 and drive back home. Then spend time with son until he goes to bed, because what’s the point if I can’t spend time with him? Then back to work after he sleeps, setting up emails (set to be sent at like 9:07 the next day so people think I woke up early lol) and sleep by like 1 am.

I’m going to remember all this when he grows up and says “You guys did nothing for me!”

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