Best Sex Positions to Conceive a Boy Fast; 8 is my favorite [babyboy][sex positions]


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Don’t we all yearn for a perfect family? Does your family need a boy child now to complete the perfect picture? Are you trying to conceive a baby boy and wonder if sex positions have any effect on it?

Worry not, for you are at the right place to find all your answers. Although it is not scientifically proven, yet sex positions are believed to have an impact on the sex of the child. Here you will find the science behind it all and also the sexual positions to have a boy faster.

Before we get into the serious business, it is essential to understand the basics of how it works.


Even though it sounds very tempting to determine the sex of your baby, it is impossible to do so by natural means. Before we get into predictions and assumptions, let’s go by the scientific facts first.

It is essential for every expectant parent to know the science behind it. As we all learned in the biology lessons, the female egg has chromosome X and the sperm can either be X or Y chromosome. Hence, it is the chromosome carried by the sperm that ultimately determines the sex of the unborn child.

When the male sperms carrying Y chromosome combines with the X chromosome of a female egg, it produces a baby boy (XY). Whereas, when the female sperm carrying the chromosome X combines with the X chromosome of a female egg, it provides a baby girl (XX).

Another critical thing to be noted here is the different qualities of male and female sperm. The male sperm cell is considered to be fast and small. On the contrast, female sperm cells are relatively slow, but they have a longer life than male sperm.

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