Best online pelvic floor/bladder prolapse programs?


New member
Hi all!

As much as I’d like to see a Physio it’s just not in the budget right now. I’d really appreciate anyone’s experience with online programs to help restore pelvic floor and bladder function.

I’m eyeing the Vagina Whisperer’s program but I don’t know about many others.

I’m really sick of peeing when I laugh 😩😩
@wethepeople So here's the problem. Depending on what exactly is wrong with your pelvic floor you could actually make the issue worse. Sometimes incontinence is caused by a weak pelvic floor but it can also be caused by an overly tight pelvic floor and if you do the wrong exercise program it can actually make the issue worse.
@wethepeople Yo, don't just flex those pelvic muscles w/o clue. Sometimes pee probs can be 'cause ur muscles are too tired or even too pumped. Do the wrong thing, might end up with bigger issues, ya know? Best get a doc checkup ASAP.
@verysincere The way you wrote that was super smooth. Like spoken word poetry :p

Planning on getting checked once my insurance rolls over in January. In the mean time I’m just doing basic deep core exercises, only 2-3 mins every day and I have to say my symptoms are already vastly improved! Much less heaviness and more stamina through the day.

I will definitely still get checked, though. Thanks :)