Babywearing questioned by total stranger at Costco, said he was a “former physician”

@athenaniko Not saying that these carriers aren't safe, but there are thousands of examples of unsafe products. Just because somthing is being sold, doesn't mean it's safe.
@mannyman So if they were in distress they would possibly be:
  • moving/arching their back which you would 100% feel
  • crying, which you could hear
  • pulling your hair which you would feel
  • slumped over and not moving (which would also draw your attention) which would possibly concern you enough to ask a bystander if they were sleeping, or take out your phone to mirror check them.
I feel the little hands and movements of my baby when I’m moving. I can tell when he’s not happy on my back! The source of touching him allows me to actually be MORE aware of his comfort level.
@crownfair Exactly this! When I'm wearing my son on my back, I can easily tell from his noises, breathing, and movements if he's content and safe or if something is wrong.
@mannyman So I guess he’s also opposed to rear facing car seats? Do people really think people should literally never take their eyes off their child? That’s not healthy and slightly unhinged to me.
@livinggrace Yes! I thought about this as I was walking out the door lol. Not to mention that when my baby is in the jogging stroller I can’t see her at all unless I stop running, pull back the canopy, and lean over the top of the stroller. At least in a carrier I can feel her and easily see her by looking over my shoulder.
@livinggrace Actually you use a mirror when the baby is rear facing in the car, right? I could never put the baby rear facing without a mirror.

It’s obviously different with a carrier because you are actually touching the baby and would feel if something is wrong.
@mannyman I love Costco but I swear I’ve never met a polite person there lol. They’re always trying to run me down when I’m steering my stroller around.

Sorry you ran into this guy. If he’s a former physician he may not be up to date on a lot of practices regarding child rearing. And considering he just said physician and not pediatrician he could have been any sort of physician. An ENT or dermatologist, while very intelligent of course, may not be the best source on child rearing you know?
@shawngenecox I recently got a membership and went with my mom while I was wearing my son and man the looks I got were crazy! I had an older man stare me down to the point where my mom noticed.
@joe130 I get at least three comments per Costco trip when wearing my son. Usually from well-meaning old women, but the occasional odd man comment. Then there's the people who think it's okay to touch him for some bizarre reason.
@shawngenecox It’s funny, my husband is always saying people are super aggressive with their carts there… at first u told him he was imagining it, but you are now the second person besides him to mention it!
@mannyman Yeah like, that's totally not MY back baby is leaning on and I feel absolutely nothing of what is happening there... beside, a one year old will totally let you know if something is wrong (well, more not like he wants it than wrong!)