Babywearing questioned by total stranger at Costco, said he was a “former physician”

@mannyman Your one year old is not going to positionally asphyxiate himself because he can’t hold his head up or stay awake. I’m struggling to think of a freak accident that you wouldn’t be immediately aware of.
@mannyman I wouldn’t wear a 5 month old on my back, but a 1 year old is fully capable of moving their head, neck and able to communicate with you. Very strange!
I think that is a good response. My family dr actually says the mother knows when something is not right.
@mannyman There’s this lady on TikTok who does funny sketches of the Queen being handed her baby by the nanny for 3 minutes a day. That’s what this reminds me of lol. He probably held his kids for 10 minutes a day. My dude, we have shit TO DO
@mannyman I back carry (in Costco too BTW) I can fully tell if she uncomfortable or asleep or needing anything. Her breathing changes and I can feel she’s asleep back there. Also she’ll yank hair or hit me with her baba. Usually both.

I like to strip her to a tee shirt light pants and take off her shoes before I stick her in, she runs a little hot and she likes loosing shoes.

Mine just turned two. Her and her brother love the carriers. I do too! Get it balanced just right and you can have a moment alone and shop while you don’t have to constantly watch your babies.

Retired doctor my butt!
@mannyman Doctor or not, old men say the weirdest shit.

The first time I met my now husbands grandfather, he reached across that table, took my hand and then complimented how small they were…?
@mannyman Grandma here…I would have pressed him on “what kind of distress?” And make him answer it.

He’s the kind of old man who doesn’t care about your kid being in distress. He’s just mad you’re “spoiling” the baby.
@mannyman The only silent distress is like choking right and so I don’t feed baby in a back carry (also because I don’t appreciate food all through my hair and down my neck)

Anything else I can feel their body moving feel them breathing and if I glance over my shoulder I can see their head I can use my hands to feel their legs and back and I can use the camera on my phone to get a direct view of their face. Easy as