Babywearing questioned by total stranger at Costco, said he was a “former physician”

@mannyman The guy totally did not deserve a more elaborate answer than some mumbling, who even knows what his speciality used to be when he was still practicing.
Also I can feel my child breathing and if I focus I can even feel her heartbeat in a carrier. If there is even slightly wrong my child shrieks like a banshee, so that is hard to miss.
@mannyman I can’t see my baby 100% in a car seat or stroller should I never use those? Screw that guy. He was probably a retired chiropractor or something lol
@mannyman You were fine, people JAQing off don’t deserve any of your time. It’s not like you’re not acutely aware of your child, it’s hard not to be when they’re literally strapped to you.
@energonwaffles Lol JAQing off, I like that. My husband’s theory when I relayed the story was that the guy just wanted an excuse to talk to me and did not give two fucks about the safety of babywearing.
@mannyman Older men especially love to make women feel less than. Especially because we are gaining some traction with equality. He just wanted to feel like he was back in his mad men era.
@mannyman I've had 3 kids, and as such, I have seen a lot of bullshit in my time.

Genuinely, my response would have been "go and fuck yourself, thanks".

Don't even waste headspace worrying how to respond. Dickheads like that do not deserve your headspace. Telling them to fuck off is a plenty food enough response.
@mannyman Oh by former physician do you mean you lost your license? Because I can see why.

Just kidding, honestly, I would’ve probably done the same I’m awful at confrontation and I only think of things after.
@jimcrawford Or actually you know more about them because they are literally touching you. You’d feel it before anything. I can tell my child is about to nod off when others are saying they are looking around happily, just because they start to relax into my back.
@mannyman "Why, is she gone?!"
"Oh no, did she finish her lollipop and whole grapes?"
"Usually when she chokes she pulls my hair first. I guess there's always a first... "

Jeez man, tell me you've never worn a baby on your back without telling me.
@mannyman I’ve run into the issue of rude comments about baby wearing and I never know what to say, really. It is awkward.

I had a family member tell me I was going to mess up my baby’s hips and she’s seen “tons of babies with messed up hips from baby wearing.” I told her I’d done my research to wear properly and I wasn’t worried, and she gave me such a dirty judgmental look.

Just last night, another family member kept insisting I take a stroller to an event we were going to. I told her no, I preferred to baby wear and I heard comment after comment from her all night about, “aren’t you tired?” “Are you sure? It’s a long walk,” “isn’t she getting heavy?” “Don’t you think she’s hot?” UGH
@mannyman LoL I had a 1 yo on my back eating snacks, my neighbor (physician) said, "I don't know they could eat in those things" indicating my wrap.

I just stared at him and said, yup, she can eat snacks anywhere!

Now I'm wondering if he was politely indicating the choking risk which I completely missed 🤣🤦‍♀️
@mannyman Do you have a young mom look? I get a lot of weird unsolicited advice and comments bc I’m a first time mom…people literally gasp when I tell them I’m 34. It’s the Asian in me 😂