Baby only wants to sleep on me


New member
My 8.5 month mainly only wants to sleep on me. She was an excellent sleeper and self-soother (on her own, nothing we did) until around 7 months when she dropped from 3 to 2 naps, started crawling etc. We recently took a long flight where she only slept on me and since then has wanted that to continue. I'm usually able to easily transfer her once asleep to her pack n play but in the middle of the night the transfers are more difficult and she wakes up more easily. Any suggestions on how to help with this? Thank you.
@dano0488 Such a normal thing. She's a baby. It's just a phase. I would just keep doing what you're doing. Give her the closeness when you're able to. It will pass. It can be tough but it's also very normal. ♥️ I know this may not be super "helpful" or what you want to hear but it's honestly the truth! Babies need to be close to us. It's developmental and completely normal and healthy.
@dano0488 I know it can be tiring but it’s honestly just a phase. Sleep regressions around this age are normal and last a long time due to the many back-to-back developmental leaps interfering with sleep.

We went away recently too and when we came back, my baby could suddenly stand without pulling himself up and his babbling/talking increased a lot. Needless to say, he was having trouble sleeping for like a week afterwards but he eventually went back to normal.

This happens to us every few weeks.
@dano0488 Honest question. Does being in a long flight change our LO? I have heard a lot from my friends that after they went into vacation and long flight, their LO changed. Like in sleep, sometimes in feedings. I am planning to travel with my LO in the next few months and I am now second guessing if I should continue to travel.
@charli Thank for this! I just need someone to tell me that it is okay. Because my neighbor is discouraging me after they went to Hawaii, then I read this. Thank you again.
@bryanlove LOL
We went to Hawaii and it’s the best sleep my kids have had.
They’re shit sleepers so they went back to their poorer normal sleep once home but they were rocks in Hawaii it was amazing
@bryanlove We took our 4mo to Puerto Rico from the Midwestern US and they did great, great on the flight, happy on the trip, no changes when we came home.
@bryanlove I think for us it just happened to coincide with a lot of big changes like separation anxiety, stranger anxiety etc. On her first flight, there were no changes. She slept the whole way both times. Her sleep was going comparatively downhill before the second flight
@dano0488 Ok no routine and no boundaries. I said respond immediately with touch and comfort. But set boundaries and routines. But I guess I'm wrong. I got it. Thanks for all the down vote. I don't think you guys got it either. We're all trying our best here.