@robsgotmail We just started it this week! I’ve always loved it but my girls were never interested. So I kinda forced it this week by just turning it on and it worked😂
@khouryn It’s part of our pre bath/bed routine to watch two or three episodes together. My 2.5 year old daughter loves it, but I think I like it more. I have two accounts for Disney+ (one for me one for her) and because of that, I’ve watched Bluey on both accounts and I’ve probably seen each episode a minimum of six times and now I’m on both my 7th and 8th watch. It’s just too good
@khouryn Baby Race had me bawling last night. My 1 year old was worried for me 😅… she’s currently trying to walk. It was just too close to home.
@khouryn And sometimes the lessons in Bluey make me cackle laugh and cry like in Hammerbarn when Bluey’s gnome shatters and Chili says “Bluey that’s what happens when you’re not happy with what you’ve got!!! Eventually someone’s husband gets it!”
We do what we call “cool down time” at night before the twins bedtime, where we all sit and they drink their milk and we watch toons. The other night it was Bluey, and my husband and I sat and just laughed and laughed at the show. It’s the best
@khouryn We watch it "as a family" (official toddler terminology) after dinner when there's time. The other night was "Fancy Restaurant" and my partner and I were in stitches. We're still quoting it, but have to spell parts so we don't give any toddlers screentime ideas.
@khouryn I don’t see this episode mentioned as often as other iconic episodes, but bit it made me weep - “Bike”! That moment when all the kids reach their breaking point and start crying, but then dry their tears and get up and try again??? While Ode to Joy plays in the background?? The resiliency of the human spirit! The grit and imagination of little kids! I love it so much.

On a related note, the music from the show is so good. I’ve started putting it on in the background while my baby and I do whatever - something about it makes those mundane baby tasks feel really special.
@khouryn We love Bluey! And yes, I watch it by myself sometimes. A few weeks ago someone on here mentioned that there is a Bluey album. It's on Spotify; my two youngest can tell what episode the songs are from just by the instrumentals.
@maranathatech It’s so good, you should definitely give it a try. The mom and dad do a great job at parenting their two girls. Just a great family dynamic overall. It’s a very sweet show that pulls at your heartstrings!