@khouryn I have seen the episode Sleepytime no less than 10 times. I have never made it through without at minimum tearing up, and at maximum a full cry.
@tshimangadzo I've been having a tough time recently and ugly cried at that bit when I accidentally watched this episode the other day. I usually only cry that hard for Sleepytime.
@asuk The mumma-sun gets me every time. We still bedshare with our 3yo and every night when I come to bed, she wiggles over until she's snuggled right under my chin without waking up.
@asuk My Disney+ and Chromecast don’t like to coorporate, so when I’m putting on Bluey it’s always the same episode - Sleepytime.
I LOVE IT! I wouldn’t want it any other way. The beautiful music by Gustav Holst is just a perfect fit to a beautiful episode!
@asuk My two year old bawls during Sleepytime, and that makes me tear up. I’ll ask if she wants to turn it off but I get a little “…no” between big rolling tears. I’m not sure if she realizes? Or if it’s just the music? But something about that episode evokes a lot of emotions in a tiny toddler.
@hariton Started crying just reading that line! I have a bit of a velcro baby so sometimes the stress of that makes me forget how important I am to my son for more than the basics of taking care of him. This line hits right in the feels!