@khouryn I just teared up watching “handstand”. Or one pays attention to Bingo because she’s the youngest, and also ignore Nana because she’s old. It got me right in the feels!
@khouryn my kid is obsessed with bluey and I am SO grateful, that dog family is healthy and wonderful. I hope he loves them forever.

baby race and daddy drop-off get me in my feelings. every. time.
@khouryn I love Sleepytime and Sticky Gecko. My husband likes Hammerbarn.

But what is just a treasure is the music! The classical pieces incorporated and the varying styles - least annoying and actually enjoyable! I play the soundtrack every day :D
@khouryn My mother in law hates it. She never had kids (she's step mother to my hubby) so she definitely doesn't get it. Her hatred for it makes me love it that much more 🥰
@beyerz My girls were late term preemies, I didn’t even know that episode exists! Excuse me while I go find it and cry into my coffee😂😂

Side note: why do the producers of this show make it exciting to do so?!?
@3jem I absolutely ADORE Bluey and I'm shamefully subjecting my 20 month old to it in hopes that he starts to love it, tee hee...he gets excited when he hears the theme music and will dance a bit but then loses interest. I found it on Amazon. I think it's just the first 2 seasons though...
@rebekahbell So cute! My girl is still too young for TV, only 5months, so it's mostly just me wanting to watch it lol! But I figure if she hears it in the background it is probably better than some of the other shows and movies we watch!