@khouryn I have watched every episode atleast 50 times each and I still love the show. I always realize something new with each viewing!!

Check out r/bluey for some really fun times!!
@yuliette That’s the one that inspired this post!!! I sobbed when she said “I have to go now.” And chilli said “remember I’m always here for you, even if you can’t see me.” INSTANT MESS😭😭
@khouryn My youngest daughter recently moved into a big girl bed and when we were going through it we saw this episode. I hugged my kiddo so tight. It must be so scary to do things on your own 🥺
@cassia26 The episode that was censored was the episode Bluey goes to the market with her dad and a friend. Her and her friend ride the ponies, and Bluey says bye to the pony, I think it's name was Buttermilk or something. They censored out the pony pooping and Bluey and her friend running off screaming and laughing.

The 2 episodes they banned, one was about teasing and the other was called Dad Baby or something. Bluey's dad and Lucky's dad play with their kids and pretend they're having babies.
@katrina2017 I understand changing the (unintentional racial slur). Ans to nit make light of good allergies. But I don't see how some of the other episodes are inappropriate.