B. F. P. Commence FREAKING OUT!!!!


New member
First, thanks hubs, for the spoiler alert. haha!!! And so you guys know, he is totally making that giddy Conan face. And he has red hair & freckles. The similarity is uncanny. :p

So. I will do the breakdown below, but since I kept you guys in the loop about the cysts, let me address that first.

One, there was one, not multiple. Two, it's classified as a "paratubal cyst" and both the OB & nurse suspect it's not even a cyst, it's a pre-implantation embryo. It's 2cm and even if it is a cyst, OB is not even remotely concerned. They are common and in her words "it's probably just your baby!" :D :D :D :D :D

Also, all of my levels are great. Thyroid was great, blood sugar was perfect, everything was awesome. My progesterone was solidly in the middle of the "good" range on the CD22 blood work, and the nurse explained that this means the progesterone supplements are working. If my P levels weren't low, the level would be way higher. SO.

THANK YOU MODERN MEDICINE for giving me hormones to shove up my vagina every night! HUZZAH!!!

I had to do a blood draw for typing/rh check, and quantitative HCG. I go in again Sunday afternoon for a 2nd HCG check.

In the meantime, I am to "take it easy", lift nothing over 20lbs, take my vitamins, and all the typical stuff. Pending HCG results on Monday we'll schedule an ultrasound to 1, check on the "cyst", and 2, make sure everything looks good.


So first - my chart is
Got it on 3 days pre-O, 2 days pre-O, the day before O, and O-day. That's pretty much it.

I think I took Mucinex all four of those days, but I may not have taken it on O-day. My allergies have been awful and Mucinex is a godsend.

At the request of the OB, I began taking 200mg prometrim (progesterone suppositories) vaginally at bedtime, starting CD18.

I didn't do any voodoo rituals or stand on my head after sex. I did kind of hang out on the bed from sheer exhaustion most of those times haha!! Maybe that helped. :p (What? Sex is fun!)

Today is 11DPO and I got a faint positive last night, another faint positive this morning (hubs could see the 2nd line clearly) and I got a faint positive in the office with a 3 hour hold.

Also, the nurse high-fived me when we saw the 2nd line on the test. haha!! And the OB walked in and said "You really are super fertile!" By the way, I know I was kind of iffy about her before? I think she was having an off day. She was super nice and very happy.

  • Everything tastes like crap. I couldn't even eat string cheese this morning. I'm kind of sad about that.
  • I've had a bit of gas the past 2 days but nothing crazy unusual.
  • I did have heartburn pretty badly the last 2 days but again, who knows.
  • I have had a mild, obnoxious headache for about a solid week now.
  • Mild cramping/pulling kind of feeling on the right side - which, by the by, is where that cyst/pre-implant embryo was located.
  • Since my hubs called this one out, I said "I'm not hungry" and proceeded to ask him to speed the thawing of chicken for dinner because "I'm hungry." hahaha!!
I am to continue with the progesterone until 10 weeks, at which point we'll scale back and monitor. I am considered high risk due to my history of losses so I will be a pincushion soon. I'm cool with that.

Thank you guys all so, so very much for all of your love & support & general awesomeness. I am not joking or anything when I say I don't know what I'd do without you guys.
@johnboy99 Holy fuck!!!!!!! I have no words I'm so excited for you! Holy shit, lady!!! Loooooook!! LINESSSSSS! Fuck the "bad eggs" moment, I was sure that was bogus and now look.

Here is to hoping for an uncomplicated and otherwise uneventful pregnancy. Smooooooth sailing! Happy, healthy momma and baby!
@tango2000 YAY!!!! Seriously, bad eggs? WTF ever dude, hubs has super sperm! LOL!

Thank you so much! Seriously, you are one of the people who never allowed me to really wallow or mope, you kicked my ass in gear and dragged me out of it.
@johnboy99 I do my best work when my friends are in trouble, and you're my friend!! Please stay in touch, I would love living vicariously through you. ...even just on the garden thing as it looks like my garden is going to be minimal this year...