Are sleepovers at Grandparents normal for children 1 - 2 years old

@jackstack As a child, I spent every other weekend at my maternal grandparents house up until I was maybe eleven or twelve, and my siblings did too. They had a room set up for each of us. I think they did had us because my parents had their own business and my mother was in nursing school so it gave them some time to catch up.

Every family is different, but I hope my son has that close of a relationship to at least one set of grandparents.
@jackstack My best friends kid stays at his MILs house every Saturday since he was 6 months old. He is now 3.5

My son slept at my parents once. He is 2.5.

Everyone is different.

I personally think once a month is cool.
@jackstack my parents live 50 min away.

my mother stayed with us and took our daughter many times in thhe 12-24 month stretch.

when our son came along, she took both of em from when he was 3 months and on. for 1 to 3 nights most often.

this coming week, they will be taking the kids saturday or sunday till tuesday so we can do some renos and move house. :)
@jackstack Our daughter stays with my parents every Friday night unless we or they have something going on. She is nearly 19 months and we have been doing this since she was probably a few months old. It initially was to give my wife and I a chance to catch up on sleep. But honestly, I think my parents get more out of it than we do these days. I grew up in a different country than my grandparents so didn’t have much of a relationship with them and I think its great that my daughter is growing up having a really close relationship with her grandparents.
@jackstack I don’t understand why she thinks it’s uncommon. If you have a grandparent whose willing you should jump at the chance. Besides, some of my best childhood memories is when I would sleep over at my grandparents house. My parents would watch my kiddo for an entire weekend and she loved it. They can’t anymore because their health has declined significantly but they wish they still could have the grands back.
@jackstack It’s pretty abnormal for your wife to not want a full night of sleep at 13 months, wow.

Snark aside, the only reason this is uncommon is because most people don’t have the option! If your wife is so concerned, she can sleep at grandmas place too lol
@jackstack She’s young enough to keep up with him, they are very familiar with kiddo (she sees him very often and cares for him solo during the day), she’s close by, and has the room. This sounds like an ideal set-up.

Maybe sit wife down and talk about her reasoning as to why she wouldn’t be comfortable with someone who is already a full time care giver for your child having a sleepover with them?

Cause it seems odd that she is cool with mum basically being the nanny but not doing overnights.

Maybe just once a moth though. Perhaps wife is just sad to give more time with son away to grandma (so to speak) even if he’s asleep.

Our LO slept over at grandparents once a month starting around this age and grandparents were not so familiar with the routine as yours are. In our case everyone loved the arrangement:
@jackstack I've been cautious about leaving my kids with my parents, and I didn't start with leaving them very long but now they know what they're getting in to and they raised several kids themselves. There are no surprises, my parents can handle it. They stay whenever they can. If everyone is on board who cares what's normal?
@jackstack I don't know about the societal values where you live but toddlers should get all the time in the world with their grand parents.

Grandparents are the first friendship of kids while kids are the last true friends of grandparents.