Are sleepovers at Grandparents normal for children 1 - 2 years old

@jackstack They're babysitting 4 days a week, they've got a room with a cot, and they want to do it?

I wouldn't say it's normal, I would say it's AWESOME!
@jackstack We just had our grandson over last night, he played Minecraft with his uncle until he crashed @ 10:00 pm on the couch (5 yrs old) …I think when it comes to normal healthy relationships… you’re wife might need some warming up to the fact that people love their families, especially grandchildren… they arrive at a time after you’ve financially stable, and have free time
@jackstack I mean you guys have to figure what’s right for your family. I would let my son sleep at my in laws house because, just like you, MiL is his full time weekday caregiver and she is the third most qualified person on the planet to care for our son. That said… my wife is not comfortable with anyone putting him down for night time sleep other than us. My folks watch him sometimes on weekends in the afternoon and we have day dates.
@jackstack My only concern would be whether Grandma actually wants the baby overnight. If she's offering, great, but if she's already watching your son that often that's kind of a lot to expect of her.

Assuming that's not an issue, I think it's fine but both parents have to be comfortable. If your wife is just gonna be up half the night stressing then it's not worth pushing it.
@jackstack My daughter has been staying at her grandparents house one night a month since she was 3 months old. She’s 16 months now and we look forward to that one night.
@jackstack A Mom here: My mom watched my babies overnight around 2 months old every other week. She's late 50s and was a great mom to me, so I felt good about it .
@jackstack From about 18 months old my eldest has slept over at grandmas one night a week. He loves it and she loves it. It was awesome when he was an only child as well because he got some quality time with her and my wife and I got a sleep in.
@jackstack Sleepovers at grand parents aren't abnormal, but 2/3 time a month? Sounds a lot to me at 13mo. We did it when I was prégnant of N2, N1 was 2y and 9mo and HE was asking for it. Before his 20mo, hé has slept 3 or 4 night whit his grands parents.
@jackstack This sounds amazing! Tell your wife it's important for you guys to do this to be able to get long date nights. It'll be great as your kid grows also as they'll have more closeness with their grandparents house. I do wonder though if she actually thinks its uncommon, or if she is just hiding behind the fact that she misses him too much (I assume you're both working full time jobs). That could be the real issue here.
@jackstack Stay over, not uncommon. Stay over 2-3 times a month, I'd say is uncommon.

My 1yo has slept over once because we were at a wedding, and my 5yo has slept over three times in total (again for particular things, one being the same wedding).