Aquarium is the same as the TV?

@eveningxhush I would love if I had the discipline to remove screen time and the cool environment to have an aquarium. You're doing great mama. How cool for your kids to get to see live animals in their environment whenever they want.
@eveningxhush K is being a ridiculous judgey pants. Having pets teaches so many valuable skills, and watching fish swim around is no where near the same as tv or screen time.
Also a living room is for living in, and with a toddler, at least in our case, it means it looks like it's been hit with a hurricane of books and toys until after bedtime when I can actually tidy up.
@tirene Hahaha i feel you, we try to make it a habit of cleaning up right after finishing playing with one toy but it isnt always possible 😅
Thanks for the nice words
@eveningxhush You’re a great parent, a real life aquarium is nothing like a two-dimensional tv, your friend sucks and is just feeling guilty and inferior and wants to knock you down a notch to compensate, and your English is so good I would’ve assumed you’re native!
@eveningxhush I would have laughed out loud at this suggestion! She’s being absolutely ridiculous. If she truly believes it rather than this being said because she felt judged, than she’s an idiot. Besides, it’s not even like your choices as a parent are a judgment of her choices. People like this are very difficult to be around.

Anyway, my kid likes to watch the ducks in the park. I might as well give her an ipad, according to K. Hahhahah
@eveningxhush I haven’t been super strict about screen time with my 18 month old, but one of the first things we did when he was born was to revive our 3x2ft aquarium and he still loves it so much! He regularly stands infront of it and waves hello to the fish, and sometimes shows them his toys too!
@eveningxhush Slight caveat, unrelated but not very sure until his pediatrician appointment in Dec, he’s not verbal at all. Understands every instruction and points, gestures, everything, but just won’t talk. Our ped mentioned at the last appt that it could be because we’re a household with really many different languages (English, Gujarati, Hindi, Malay and some Mandarin) which could be the cause of not speaking, or the screen time. But once again, really nothing to do with the aquarium!
@inprincipio Wow so many languages? That is great?
All the kids I know who grew up bilingual or with more languages, learned to talk later than "usual " I think that's because their brain has to learn so much more vocabulary.
He is only 18 months though, i wouldn't worry too much.

All the best 😊
@eveningxhush Yes haha! We speak Gujarati and English mostly at home, a lot of Hindi on TV, our in-house helper speaks Malay/English and I’m trying to get him to be familiar with Mandarin since it’s a majority language here in Singapore and I grew up learning it too (we’re Indian!)

We’re mostly concerned because he hasn’t said a single word at all, not even mama/dada or anything :(
@inprincipio Although I'm sure he will be totally fine, and will start to talk very soon, it's good to get him evaluated. It will give you some peace of mind.

Does he communicate with sign and body language?
@eveningxhush He points accurately, and we’ve taught him the sign for ‘milk’, so yes he’s not too shabby with communication. We plan to get him evaluated for speech therapy in Dec!
@eveningxhush Imagine all the tiny observations she is making about fish and an underwater environment! She’s like a budding scientist!

Definitely not the same as screen time.